就诊日期date: 姓名name: 国籍nationality:
护照(身份证)号码Passport (ID card) No:
联系电话Contact number:
现住址Current address:
1、您是否有发热(一周内)?Do you have fever (within one week)?
□体温正常 Normal body temperature
□发热(>37.3°C)(请填写体温)Fever(>37.3°C)(please fill in the temperature):
2、您于就诊患者 14 天内有到过以下地方吗? Have you visited the following places within 14 days?
□都没有 None
□湖北或武汉 Hubei or Wuhan
□其他明确的新冠肺炎疫区 Other novel coronavirus pneumonia areas
3、您于 14 天内接触过来自*_**,或境内其他有病例报告社区的发热或有呼吸道症状的患者吗? Have you contacted any fever or respirat 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 piratory symptoms such as cough and shortness of breath?
□没有 no □有 yes
7、您于 14 天内是否有境外居住史、旅游史,或接触过境外返回的发热或有呼吸道症状的患者? Do you have any overseas living history, tourism history, or contact with fever or respiratory symptoms returned from overseas within 14 days?
□没有 no
□有(请填写境外国家或地区)yes(Please fill in the overseas country or region)
□我保证以上填写内容属实(如有隐瞒,将承担法律责任) I guarantee that the above information is true (if there is any concealment, I will bear legal responsibility)
就诊患者签字Signature of patient:
接诊医生签字Signature of doctor: