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选修七Unit1 句子翻译

高二英语备课组 2017-02-20

残疾人也应该有受教育的权利。(disability, access)

尽快适应新的环境会对你的工作有好处。(adapt, benefit)

① (benefit用作vt.):

② (benefit用作vi.):

③ (benefit用作n. ):

④ (benefit用作adj.):

他没有参加她的婚礼,使她很不悦。(absence/absent, annoy)

① (用absence n.作主语):

② (用absent adj.作主语):

他的志向是创办自***,因此,他很快就辞去***经理的职务。(ambition, resign)


(with的复合结构,sit, stare作状语)

总而言之,正是你的帮助和鼓励让我顺利地获得了毕业证。(all, encouragemet, smoothly)

她很渴望(想)找一份适合自己专业(major)的工作。(ambitious, suitable)

公司要求员工们吸引做够的顾客,以获得更多的利润。(demand, adequate, profit)

政府废除了那个不公平的法律,以让农民工(migrant worker)有尊严地为社会服务。

(abolish, serve, dignity)

她 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 to create his own company, so he soon resigned as managerof the company.

With all the work done and nothing to do, she sat around at the table, staring at the outside of the window.

All in all, it was your help and encouragement that made me gain the graduation certificate.

She is ambitious to find// for a job (which is) suitable for her own major.

The firm demanded the employees to attract adequate customers so as to make more profits.

The government abolished the unfair law to make the migrant workers serve the society with dignity.

So outgoing a girl is she that she is often made fun of by other fellow classmates.


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