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Journal of Constructional Steel Research 62 (2006) 105–115 doc.001pp.com/locate/jcsr Compression strength of stainless steel cross-sections M. Ashraf∗, L. Gardner, D.A. Nethercot Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom Received 22 November 2004; accepted 22 April 2005 Abstract A conceptually new approach which recognises the continuous nature of the stress–strain characteristic of stainless steel has recently been developed by the authors for the prediction of the strength of compressed plate elements in stainless steel members. This method does not use the classi?cation system found in modern codes dealing with the structural design of carbon steel members. The original development was limited to plate elements supported on both longitudinal edges; the basic concept is expanded herein to cover a wider range of cases. The resulting design procedure forms part of a general treatment of stainless steel structural members that predicts resistances signi?cantly in excess of those obtained from currently available design methods. These resistances are found to accord well with the observed strength of sections obtained in laboratory tests. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Cross-section slenderness; Cross-section strength; Deformation capacity; Enhanced corner strength; Open sections; Stainless steel 1. Introduction The physical characteristics of stainless steel – including high strength, stiffness and ductility, weldability, durability, ease of forming and machining, good ?re resistance and ready re-use and recycling – make the material ideally suited to use in construction. Recent years have seen signi?cant advances towards effectively utilising these properties, such as the introduction or major revision of the principal structural stainless steel design standards worldwide, an enhanced range of products and wider product availability; all of this has been supported by heightened research activity. However, stainless steel is still viewed as an extravagant solution to structural engineering problems, and although the emergence of design codes is an important step forward, their inef?ciency (due largely to overly-simplistic material modelling) is inhibiting more widespread use. One of the principal drawbacks to these codes is that they were based on the rather limited amount of structural performance data available and a signi?cant factor in their preparation was the initial need to ensure that a designer familiar with the carbon steel rules would be able to make a ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 (0) 207 ***; fax: +44 (0) 207 ***. E-mail address: mahmud.ashraf@imperial.ac.uk (M. Ashraf). 0143-974X/$ - see front matter © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jcsr.2005.04.010 straightforward transition to stainless steel structural design. As a result, the authors were obliged to use a simpli?ed elastic, perfectly plastic material model. This model is acceptable for carbon steel that exhibits a sharply de?ned yield point, followed by a plastic yield plateau. For stainless steel, though, where there is no sharply de?ned yield point and substantial strain hardening is possible, this model leads to overly conservative designs. It is clear that for a material with high initial cost, ef?cient design is paramount, and a more rigorous design approach that more accurately recognises and exploits the particular features of stainless steel can be justi?ed. Gardner [1] initially focused on the austenitic family of stainless steels since these are the most widely used grades for structural applications throughout the world, though more recent work has since demonstrated extension of the method to other non-linear materials [2]. Test results for other grades of stainless steel have been incorporated in the present study to validate the method as a general design tool. 2. Background 2.1. Laboratory testing A laboratory testing programme was carried out to investigate the behaviour of austenitic stainless steel 106 M. Ashraf et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 62 (2006) 105–115 cross-sections and members. Tests were conducted on square, rectangular and circular hollow sections (SHS, RHS and CHS respectively). Tensile and compressive coupon tests were carried out on ?at material cut from the faces of ?nished SHS and RHS to determine the material stress–strain behaviour. Coupons cut from the corner regions of the cross-sections were also tested to investigate the effect of strain hardening. Stub column tests were conducted on SHS, RHS and CHS to enable the development of a relationship between cross-section slenderness β and deformation capacity εLB, and to determine ultimate load carrying capacities [3]. Member tests on SHS and RHS beams and columns were conducted to investigate structural behaviour and to determine ultimate load carrying capacities [4]. Initial geometric imperfections and residual stresses were measured to aid the explanation of structural performance and to use as basic data in numerical models. The laboratory test results have led to an improved understanding of the structural behaviour of stainless steel and have been used as a means of validating numerical models. The results have also formed part of the validation of a proposed new design procedure. 2.2. Numerical modelling Sophisticated numerical models have been developed using the ?nite element (FE) package ABAQUS. The models have included features such as measured (nonlinear) material properties, measured geometry, rounded and enhanced strength corners, initial local and global geometric imperfections and residual stresses. Formulations have also been developed to provide general expressions for initial geometric imperfections, residual stresses and enhanced corner material properties, allowing a consistent approach to the generation of further results through parametric studies [5]. 2.3. Proposed design method for hollow sections 2.3.1. Concept The cross-section strength of stainless steel members is currently assessed on a similar basis to the cross-section strength of carbon steel members [6]. The cross-section is initially placed into one of a number of possible behavioural classes (with the number depending on the particular design code), and subsequently its strength is limited by either material yielding of the gross section, with either a plastic or elastic distribution of stresses, or yielding of an effective section (to account for local buckling) with an elastic stress distribution. A new design approach has been proposed by Gardner [1], Gardner and Nethercot [7] and Gardner et al. [8] that replaces these discrete behavioural classes with a continuous measure of the deformation capacity of the cross-section. The strength of the cross-section may then be determined using this deformation capacity in conjunction with a material model that accurately re?ects the rounded nature of the stainless steel stress–strain curve. 2.3.2. Development The deformation capacity εLB of a cross-section was de?ned as the deformation δu corresponding to the peak of the load-end shortening curve, obtained from stub column tests (in pure compression) divided by the stub column length. All available stub column test results were used to develop a relationship between element slenderness β, de?ned by Eq. (1) (based on the most slender element in the cross-section) and normalised element deformation capacity εLB/ε0, where ε0 is the elastic strain at the material 0.2% proof stress. The results from tests on SHS were assumed to relate approximately to plate elements with simply supported boundary conditions, since the four elements of the cross-section provide equal restraint to one another [9]. In the case of rectangular hollow sections, however, greater edge restraint is applied to the more slender sides of the cross-section by the less slender sides. As a result, higher bucklin 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 s steel lipped channels. In: Proceedings of the 15th international specialty conference on cold-formed steel structures. University of Missouri-Rolla; 2000, p. 673–86. [19] Young B, Liu Y. Experimental investigation of cold-formed stainless steel columns. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE 2003;129(2): 169–76. [20] Ashraf M, Gardner L, Nethercot DA. Strength enhancement of the corner regions of stainless steel cross-sections. Journal of Constructional and Steel Research 2005;61(1):37–52. [文章尾部最后500字内容到此结束,中间部分内容请查看底下的图片预览]请点击下方选择您需要的文档下载。
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