新 GRE 阅读讲义 胡思思 一、GRE 阅读文章分类 1.按篇幅划分:长文章(1-2 篇)以及短文章(8-9 篇) 2.按题材分 4 类:humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, life sciences 文学艺术类,社会科学类{美国历史,弱势群体少数民族,黑人,妇女和印第安人}, 自然科学类, 生命科学类 3.按写作手法分 2 类:presentation, argumentation (读文章,读结构; 读句子,读主干) A.presentation(one opinion only)的结构 Recently, the extinction of the dinosaur has been a mysterious phenomenon that puzzles scientists. Rosen’s three major findings have contributed much to the progress of explaining the dinosaur’s extinction………………………………………………………………………………. a) Sedimentation……. ……. b) fossil remains, skeleton……. ……. c) isotope, chronology……. ……. Therefore……………. ……………. ……………. ……………. B.argumentation (two opinions)的结构 Traditionally, most scientists believed that the extinction of the dinosaur was caused by the impact on Earth of massive meteorites. GRE 中作者的思维特征:喜新厌旧 标新立异 自我中心 However, no sign of the impact, such as a huge pit, has been discovered. On the other hand, Smith found two things that had been overlooked by his predecessors.……………. However 的作用:否定上文或强调下文 Thus…… 4. 按套路结构分类:GRE 阅读很多是单段的短文章,但研究多段的长文章对 ETS 行文思路 把握至关重要。长文章按套路分四类:现象解某某、结论解某某、新旧观点型和问题解决方 案型四类。 1). 现象解某某:首先抛出一个现象,然后跟出解释。 A.判断标志: a.首段给出一个自然或社会现象,往往很古怪 b.文章前半部分现象,中部解释,后半部分评论该解释 B.TS:作者给予正评价的解释 C.行文套路和阅读重点 现象 略 解释 KW 评价 详 1 2). 结论解某某:先表达作者观点态度,后面进行一些例证说明。 A.判断标志: a. 文章首句话含有作者态度或评价;或第一段为铺垫,第二段某某含有作者态度或评价。 b. 该句后面所有内容,不能对刚刚给出的态度进行任何的转折。 B.TS:通常为篇首处含作者态度或评价的句子 C.判断句 a.系表结构(be,remain) b.作者的态度评价(自然褒贬词;表示态度评价的实义动词) D.行文套路:总分结构(conclusion→supporting evidence ) 3). 新旧观点型:开始说到一个老观点出来,后面跟出新观点——主题内容。 A.判断标志: 首句出现老观点(过去的,传统的,大众的) 标志词:traditionally, many, most, once believed/argued, frequently assumed, common belief, universally, accepted, usually 等 B.TS :新观点提出处 a.新观点常位于第一段中部或第二段开头 b.阅读策略 首段(观点,时间状语)第 1 段中、第 2 段某某(强转折、强对比、时间状语) c.新观点特征,都对同一主体,要么尖锐对立,要么修修补补 C、行文套路和阅读重点 一般情况,根据关键词判断老观点后,细看 1 段中、2 段某某的新观点,再继续新观点和延伸 性内容 4). 问题解决方案型:其判断标志是在文章的一开始给出了一个 problem。 分 2 类:问题回答、任务完成 A.判断标志 1、首段出现设问句 2、二段某某出现不定式 3、首段出现以下词汇: problem, task, difficulty, challenge, requirement, criteria, question B.TS :正确的解决方案 C.行文套路和阅读重点 1、problem 略 2、solution KW 3、attitude 重点 5). 特别套路:评述某人观点,评价著作,评论研究 A.判定标志 1、开头出现人名(大写字母)+书名(斜体字) 2、开头出现人名+study, work, analysis 3、各段某某出现同一人名 B.TS:不明显 C.行文套路和阅读重点 2 1、一般与前人比较,说出相同点(like)+ 强对比(unlike)或者强转折(but, yet, however) 2、对作品和观点的评价以正评价为主 阅读重点:作者的态度评价(情态动词、自由褒贬、实义动词) 二、复习四原则(阅读的困境——时间不够,读完就忘) 1、至少三遍原则---作业要过三遍。 第一遍:做题不看译文,不管时间和准确率 第二遍:查出关键生词(V,adj.),弄通长难句句法 GRE 阅读词汇 ≌ 较好的托福词汇+ source finder 核心词库 350 第三遍:课后复习,通读上课所讲思路 (文章处理,选项排除) 2、“头脑空白”原则:不带任何客观知识和主观好恶。不自我引申,不主观联想。 “ Answer each question on the basis of the information provided in the passage and do not rely on outside knowledge. Sometimes your own views or opinions may conflict with those presented in a passage; if this happens, take special care to work within the context provided by the passage. You should not expect to agree with everything you encounter in the reading passages.” (ETS OG) 3、顺序原则:先文某某, 先套路后细节 4、总结原则:每读完一个段落以及一篇文章后要做如下六方面总结: ① 关键词(Key Word) ② 文章结构(Structure) ③ 本文的目的(Goal)/ 主要思想(Main Idea) ④ 作者对某个主体所持的态度或评价(Attitude) 大正; 大负 ;混合评价(大负小正,大正小负,纯粹的混合评价 ) ⑤ 文章的主题句(Topic Sentence) TS 三.GRE 阅读“难点”: 1. 生僻的词汇 a) 偏词: anaerobic glycolysis ( 厌 氧 代 谢 ) nitrogen fixation( 固 氮 ) cerebral cortex( 大 脑 皮 层 ) blue chip(一笔可观的财产、蓝筹股、有潜力的人) b) 不熟悉词及熟词僻义: scenario aegis bowdlerize confront minute late leave second pen 解决:熟背红宝,做题时总结 2. 复杂句子看不懂 解决:精读长难句,新 4 3. 陌生的概念 treat or trick 万圣节传统小把戏 red herring 转移注意力的东西,干扰因素 with a grain of salt 怀疑 turn the table 扭转局面 3 take a rain check 改天再说吧;改日吧 解决:读懂更好,不懂拉倒 4. 某些变态题:5 剩 2 情形 解决:选择最直接、推理最少的选项 四、阅读时需要注意的地方 (一)阅读时的注意点 1. 主题句(TS) 2. 每段关键词(KW) 3. “四大金刚”——大写字母、时间状语、引号中内容和复合词。常成为定位依据。 (二)必须引起高度重视的逻辑、语言及符号!(“三强词汇”——强转折,强对比,强因果) GRE 阅读是标准的“逻辑阅读”,强调“高级认知能力“,理解+分析+推理。 Try to identify the main transitions from one idea to the next. Try to identify the relationship between different ideas. For example: — Are they contrasting? Are they consistent? — Does one support the other? — Does one spell another out in greater detail? — Is one an application of another to a particular circumstance? (ETS OG) 1.对比关系 If A 的属性为 X,and A≠B , 那么 B 的属性?———— ( 取非题 ) 答案: Our educational system, unlike that in the United States, emphasizes the mathematical capacities in primary schools. 对比的表现形式: a) unlike,like, in contrast to, on the other hand, on the contrary, not…but… b) from…to… c) 比较级 d) 时间状语:until recently,prior to 1970’s,now e) 没有对比形式,但事实对比 2. 转折关系 1). 按词分: a) however, but, yet, nevertheless, nonetheless 在句中出现的位置很重要,比如在段某某作者同意的观点引出前。 ●转折词两种需要关注的用法: ①出现在段某某,转折程度强; ②出现在一个现象的解释,一个问题的回答,一个解决方案给出之后,表示作者的 反对态度。 b) in fact, in reality, practically, in deed, actually (也可以是递进) c) while, although, though, even though, notwithstanding (让步系列) 五 对 同 义 词 : (in fact, actually) ( nevertheless, nonetheless) ( despite, in spite of) 4 ( rather, instead) ( virtually, practically) 2). 按意思分: d) 极端转折:A, but B 以后半句为准 e) 多重转折:每一层转折后都是作者倾向的观点,但以最后一次转折后内容为准 e.g. [童年经历对他以后的创作风格有没有决定性的影响?研究者没能发现直接的证据,虽然有 证据证明童年经历在他的作品中有所体现,而且在某些作品中,占了相当的篇幅,然而他们缺乏直接 的证据。但我们也无法证明童年经历对他的创作没有决定性影响,因为童年经历对他人格的影响的确 起到了决定性作用。然而,随后对其作品广泛透彻的研究表明,童年对他作品的影响,即使有,也并 不那么重要。] 3. 因果关系 a) because; since; as; for;冒号(A:B); 破折号(A−B,其中 B 是原因) in that; lie in; result from; depend on; be attributable to; be traceable to; [A depends on B, A is attributable to B, A is traceable to B 中 为原因] b) lead to; thus; hence; therefore; consequently; as a consequence; c) 表示推进、促使的词:activate; motivate; provoke; inspire; spur d) 表示决定的词:determine; dictate e) 其它:after all;reflection; extension [A is a reflection/ extension of B. 是原因] where … there …: Where there is will, there is a way. 4. 敏感词:(文中出现,给予关注,选项出现,大多为错) 1). 最高级:most; foremost; uttermost; maximum 2). 绝对化:alone; all; never; only; first; completely; absolutely; entirely; totally; wholly; fully; solely;uniquely; exclusively; 3). 比较(级):more….than…, less…than…, as….as…, the same as, similar to….,-er 5.判断句(如在文某某,可能为 TS) 系动词:be, remain 情态动词:can, cannot, may, might 自由褒贬词:adj. adv.(+,-) 实意动词:fail to….,overestimate e.g. His view shaped our standpoint. His view successfully shaped our standpoint. His view curiously shaped our standpoint. His brazen view shaped our standpoint. His penetrating view shaped our standpoint. 6. 专有名词:人名,物种,化学物质(首字母提炼法) VivianaZelizer—VZ Adenosine----ad Phosphodiesterase----ph Washington Clinton---WC 五、题型:单选题,不定项选择题以及 句子或段落选择题 (一)单选题: 1、直接事实题( 对文章中有明确叙述的内容进行正面提问的题目。) 5 数量:Typically, about half of the questions on the test will be based on passages。 o According to the passage/author... o The author states that... o The author mentions which one of the following as... 做法:同义变换(找原文的语言重现 paraphrase)的三种情况: o 变换同义词 o 变换句型 o 变换同根词词性 【 例 1 】 The historians have broadened the conventional view of nineteenth-century feminism. 换为:The historians have expanded the traditional view of nineteen-century feminism. 【例 2】The case histories revealed how the authorities administered justice. 换为:The case histories indicated the manner in which those in power apportioned justice. 【例 3】The minority groups lack access to the sizable orders that are generated by large companies. 换为:The minority groups do not have sufficient opportunity to secure business created by large corporations. 【例 4】This dichotomy has its uses, but it can cause problems if taken too literally 换为: This dichotomy is useful, but only if its limitations are recognized. 2、取非题/取反题 1)对比题: 由强对比语气出的题。 A 与 B 相对立, 文中只有 A 的特征, 问 B 的特征, 则对 A 取非即可。 【例 5】 Unlike the large businesses, they often need to make substantial investments in new plants, staff, equipment, and the like in order to perform work subcontracted to them. If, thereafter, their subcontracts are for some reason reduced, such firms can face potentially crippling fixed expenses. 【 题 】 The passage suggests that the failure of a large business to have its bids for subcontracts result quickly in orders might cause it to (A)experience frustration but not serious financial harm (B)face potentially crippling fixed expenses (C)have to record its efforts on forms filed with the government 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 ) It was supported by many who otherwise opposed public dissent. (D) It drew support from most civil rights leaders. (E) It was well underway by 1967. 4. Which of the following best describes the passage? 32 (A) It discusses an apparent inconsistency and suggests a reason for it. (B) It outlines a sequence of historical events. (C) It shows why a commonly held view is inaccurate. (D) It evaluates an explanation and finally accepts that explanation. (E) It contrasts two views of an issue. 33 [文章尾部最后500字内容到此结束,中间部分内容请查看底下的图片预览]请点击下方选择您需要的文档下载。