以下为《健康的核安全文化特征漫画 (3)》的无排版文字预览,完整内容请下载
Nuclear Safety Messages in the WPC FlashThe Traits of a Healthy Nuclear Safety Culture
健康的核安全文化特征漫画Ga?tan Le Corvec, Jo?l?Goubeaux, and Tellervo TaipaleAugust 2016The Traits of a Healthy Nuclear Safety Culture健康的核安全文化特征(PL 2013-1)Individual Commitment to Safety个人对安全的承诺
? Personal Accountability PA个人责任
? Questioning Attitude QA质疑的态度
? Safety Communication CO对安全的沟通
Management Commitment to Safety 管理者对安全的承诺
? Leadership Accountability LA领导者责任
? Decision-Making DM决策
? Respectful Work Environment WE 尊重人的工作环境
Management Systems 管理体系
? Continuous Learning CL持续学习
? Problem Identification and Resolution PI 问题识别与解决
? Environment for Raising Concerns RC有利于提出关注的工作氛围
? Work Processes WP 工作过程
26.8.2016The Traits of a Healthy Nuclear Safety Culture2Jo?l?Goubeaux?Individual Commitment to Safety个人对安全的承诺Personal Accountability个人责任1/3All individuals take personal responsibility for safety. Responsibility and authority for nuclear safety are well defined and clearly understood. Reporting relationships, positional authority and team responsibilities emphasise the overriding importance of nuclear safety.所有个人均承担核安全的责任。核安全的责任和权力有明确界定,并被清晰理解。汇报关系、岗位授权、团队的职责都强调核安全高于一切的重要性。
The first attribute is about the Standards:第一属性关于“标准”。
Individuals need to understand the importance of adhering to nuclear standards. All levels of the organisation exercise accountability for shortfalls in meeting these standards.
26.8.2016The Traits of a Healthy Nuclear Safety Culture3Jo?l?Goubeaux?Individual Commitment to Safety个人对安全的承诺Personal Accountability个人责任2/3All individuals take personal responsibility for safety. Responsibility and authority for nuclear safety are well defined and clearly understood. Reporting relationships, positional authority and team responsibilities emphasise the overriding importance of nuclear safety.所有个人均承担核安全的责任。核安全的责任和权力有明确界定,并被清晰理解。汇报关系、岗位授权、团队的职责都强调核安全高于一切的重要性。
The second attribute is about the Job Ownership, 第二属性关于工作主人翁精神
Individuals understand and demonstrate personal responsibility for the behaviours and work practices that support nuclear safety. 个人理解并展现支持核安全的行为和工作实践两方面的责任心。
26.8.2016The Traits of a Healthy Nuclear Safety Culture4Jo?l?Goubeaux?Individual Commitment to Safety个人对安全的承诺Personal Accountability个人责任3/3All individuals take personal responsibility for safety. Responsibility and authority for nuclear safety are well defined and clearly understood. Reporting relationships, positional authority and team responsibilities emphasise the overriding importance of nuclear safety.所有个人均承担核安全的责任。核安全的责任和权力有明确界定,并被清晰理解。汇报关系、岗位授权、团队的职责都强调核安全高于一切的重要性。
The third attribute is about the Teamwork:第三属性关于团队协作。
Individuals and work groups communicate and coordinate their activities within and across organisational boundaries to ensure nuclear safety is maintained.个人间和各工作组间主动沟通和协调组织边界内和跨越组织边界的工作活动,以确保核安全。
26.8.2016The Traits of a Healthy Nuclear Safety Culture5Jo?l?Goubeaux?Individual Commitment to Safety个人对安全的承诺Questioning Attitude 质疑的态度1/4Individuals avoid complacency and continuously challenge existing conditions, assumptions, anomalies and activities to identify discrepancies that might result in errors or inappropriate actions. All employees are watchful for assumptions, values, conditions or activities that can have an undesirable effect on plant safety.个人避免自满,不断挑战现有的各种状态、假设、异常和活动,以识别可能导致错误或不当行为的偏差。所有员工都警惕可能对核电厂的安全造成不良影响的各种假设、数值、条件或活动。
The first attribute is about the Nuclear is Recognised as Special and Unique: 第一属性关于承认核能的特殊性和独特性。
Individuals understand that complex technologies can fail in unpredictable ways. 个人理解核能这种复杂的技术可能以不可预知的方式失效。
26.8.2016The Traits of a Healthy Nuclear Safety CultureJo?l?Goubeaux?6Individual Commitment to Safety个人对安全的承诺Questioning Attitude 质疑的态度2/4Individuals avoid complacency and continuously challenge existing conditions, assumptions, anomalies and activities to identify discrepancies that might result in errors or inappropriate actions. All employees are watchful for assumptions, values, conditions or activities that can have an undesirable effect on plant safety.个人避免自满,不断挑战现有的各种状态、假设、异常和活动,以识别可能导致错误或不当行为的偏差。所有员工都警惕可能对核电厂的安全造成不良影响的各种假设、数值、条件或活动。
The second attribute is about Challenge the Unknown:第二属性关于质疑未知:
Individuals stop when faced with uncertain conditions. Risks are evaluated and managed before work proceeds.个人在面临着不确定的条件时停止工作。在工作进行前先进行风险评估和管理。
26.8.2016The Traits of a Healthy Nuclear Safety CultureJo?l?Goubeaux?7Individual Commitment to Safety个人对安全的承诺Questioning Attitude 质疑的态度 3/4Individuals avoid complacency and continuously challenge existing conditions, assumptions, anomalies and activities to identify discrepancies that might result in errors or inappropriate actions. All employees are watchful for assumptions, values, conditions or activities that can have an undesirable effect on plant safety.个人避免自满,不断挑战现有的各种状态、假设、异常和活动,以识别可能导致错误或不当行为的偏差。所有员工都警惕可能对核电厂的安全造成不良影响的各种假设、数值、条件或活动。
The third attribute is about Challenge Assumptions:第三属性关于质疑假设:
Individuals challenge assumptions and offer opposing views when they believe something is not correct. 当相信事情不正确时,个人敢于挑战假设,并提出反对的意见。
26.8.2016The Traits of a Healthy Nuclear Safety CultureJo?l?Goubeaux?8Individual Commitment to Safety个人对安全的承诺Questioning Attitude 质疑的态度 4/4Individuals avoid complacency and continuously challenge existing conditions, assumptions, anomalies and activities to identify discrepancies that might result in errors or inappropriate actions. All employees are watchful for assumptions, values, conditions or activities that can have an undesirable effect on plant safety.个人避免自满,不断挑战现有的各种状态、假设、异常和活动,以识别可能导致错误或不当行为的偏差。所有员工都警惕可能对核电厂的安全造成不良影响的各种假设、数值、条件或活动。
The fourth attribute is about Avoiding Complacency: 第四属性关于避免自满。
Individuals recognise and plan for the possibility of mistakes, latent issues and inherent risk, even while expecting successful outcomes. 个人识别失误的可能性、潜在的问题和固有的风险,做好应对计划,即使可以预期到成功的结果。
26.8.2016The Traits of a Healthy Nuclear Safety CultureJo?l?Goubeaux?9Individual Commitment to Safety个人对安全的承诺Safety Communication 安全沟通 1/4Good communications maintain a focus on nuclear safety. Safety communication is broad and includes plant-level communication, job-related communication, worker-level communication, equipment labelling, operating experience, and documentation.好的沟通保持对核安全的重点关注。安全方面的沟通是广泛的,包括电厂层面、工作相关、工作人员层面、设备标识、运行经验和文件等相关的沟通。
Leaders use formal and informal communication to convey the importance of nuclear safety. The flow of information up the organisation is viewed as just as important as the flow of information down the organisation. 领导层运用正式和非正式的沟通传达核安全的重要性。组织间自下而上的信息流动与自上而下的信息传达一样重要。
The first attribute is about the Work Process Communications:第一属性关于工作过程沟通:
Individuals incorporate safety communications in work activities. 个人将对安全的沟通纳入工作活动。
26.8.2016The Traits of a Healthy Nuclear Safety CultureJo?l?Goubeaux?10Individual Commitment to Safety个人对安全的承诺Safety Communication 安全沟通 2/4Good communications maintain a focus on nuclear safety. Safety communication is broad and includes plant-level communication, job-related communication, worker-level communication, equipment labelling, operating experience, and documentation.好的沟通保持对核安全的重点关注。安全方面的沟通是广泛的,包括电厂层面、工作相关、工作人员层面、设备标识、运行经验和文件等相关的沟通。
The second attribute is about the Bases for Decisions:第二属性关于决策依据:
Leaders ensure that the bases for operational and organisational decisions are communicated in a timely manner. 领导者确保及时沟通运行和组织决策的依据。
26.8.2016The Traits of a Healthy Nuclear Safety CultureJo?l 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 体系Work Processes 工作流程 3/4Jo?l?Goubeaux?The process of planning and controlling work activities is implemented so that nuclear safety is maintained.实施工作计划和控制流程,以维持核安全。
The fourth attribute is about the Procedure Adherence: 第四属性关于遵守程序
Individuals properly follow processes, procedures and work instructions. 每个人遵循流程、程序和工作指令。
26.8.2016The Traits of a Healthy Nuclear Safety Culture42Management Systems 管理体系Work Processes 工作流程 4/4Jo?l?Goubeaux?[文章尾部最后500字内容到此结束,中间部分内容请查看底下的图片预览]请点击下方选择您需要的文档下载。
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