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Fill in each blank of the following statements with appropriate words.

1. The five concepts concerning English Language Teaching Methodology are:

(1)methodology (2) approach (3) strategy (4) method (5) technique

2. The five steps concerning English language classroom teaching are:

(1)Revision (2) Presentation (3) Drills (4) Practice (5)Consolidation


(1) 关于教学目的 (2) 关于课型和教学环节

(3) 关于教学过程 (4) 关于教学原则

(5) 关于教具的使用;板书;教态;课堂气氛;对偶发事件的处理等方面

4. 教案和讲稿的区别是什么?




D.在内容上 ,讲稿涉及的是知识性项目,教案涉及的是组织性项目。


二、Read the following questions and choose the best answer.

1. Which of the following does NOT belong to the aims of the pre-reading stage?

A. arousing the students’ interest in the topic or type of text

B. motivating students to read the text by providing a purpose for reading

C. reflecting on what has been read in the text

D. preparing the students for the content of the text

2. What is the goal of teaching pronunciation? Our realistic goals of teaching pronunciation should be: consistency, intelligibility, and .

A. communicative efficiency B. fluency

C. accuracy D. intonation

3. Which of the following beliefs belongs to Behaviorist theory?

A. Learning is a process in which the learner actively tries to make sense of data.

B. Language is an intricate rule-based system.

C. Learning is a process in which the learner understands the target language with the help of explanations in his/her mother tongue.

D. Learning is a mechanical process of habit formation.

4. In which of the following activities does the teacher assume the role of a controller?

A. To elicit ideas from the students.

B. To conduct a drilling exercise.

C. To be a participant in group work.

D. To give feedback and organize peer correction.

5. Activities at pre-writing stage may include deciding on the following issues except ___________.

A. the purpose and the audience B. the contents and the general outline

C. the skill and strategy D. the audience and the contents

6. At ______ stage, learners have the opportunity to integrate the new language items with the old through activities that give free and extensive expression aimed at developing fluency skills.

A. production B. presentation C. practice D. preparation

7. A passenger listens to an announcement at airport. Please choose why people listen in this situation.

A. to maintain social relations B. to extract information

C. to be entertained D. to study

8. Principles of the communicative approach hold that .

A. exercises in which language is used for knowledge of grammar promote learning

B. reading aloud texts in the morning is one of the best ways for developing reading strategies

C. language that is repeated in class supports the learning process

D. activities which involve real communication promote learning

9. Which of the following are NOT the contents of a lesson plan?

A. Every word to be uttered in the class.

B. Procedure and evaluation.

C. Procedure and anticipated problems.

D. The objectives of the lesson and classroom aids required.

10. We learn new words much better from a context, which is to .

A. put all the words in a vocabulary book with their meanings in the mother tongue

B. dictate the words a number of times a week

C. relate words to a memorable context, such as a story

D. recite the text repeatedly

Give brief answers to the following questions.

1. Do you agree that “we are trying to teach, primarily, not knowledge but skills”? Give examples to support the argument.

Yes, I agree.

Of course students should acquire enough knowledge to learn a foreign language, but if he can just remember some conceptions, principles or rules of the language, it’s far from enough. Many English teachers believe that only by memorizing grammatical rules and single words one by one can students get high marks in exams, which cultivate many so called good students. The result is that they can get high marks in English exams, but they are not able to talk to or even understand English speakers.

Teaching just through skills can knowledge bring into full play. Students can draw out knowledge and get it drilled and practiced through the training of skills. Then they can really acquire knowledge and apply it into communications. The mastery of four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing are not only the aim of language learning, but also the method of cultivating the ability of language application. So I believe, primarily, teachers should teach not knowledge, but skills.

2. Different teachers have different ways to present new vocabulary to students. What are the ways commonly adopted by teachers to present new vocabulary?

a) Draw pictures, diagrams and maps to show meanings or connections of meanings;

b) Use real objects (regalia) to show meanings;

c) Mime or act to show meanings;

d) Use synonyms and antonyms to explain meanings;

e) Use lexical sets or word series;

f) Translate and exemplify, especially with technical words or words with abstract meanings;

g) Use word formation rules.

Read through the following statements and decide on your right answer. If your answer is affirmative, just write down the word RIGHT at the end of the statement; Otherwise, you may write down INCORRECT there.

1. 所谓“说课”,就是以教育科学理论和教材为依据,针对每一节课的具体特点,口头表达该课题的具体教学设想及其理论依据的一种教研活动对。

2. 说课是备课的基础,备课必须依赖说课,如果事先不备好课,说课就无从说起错。

3. 备课主要体现在书面材料上,而说课是动态过程,它通过语言展现教学过程、教学内容,用直观的方式展示教学方法和教学设计对。

4. 由于“说课”是用语言展现整个教学过程,所以在说课的过程中,语言技巧运用是最重要、最关键的错。

5. 说课是教师与学生的双边活动,也同样需要学生的参与错。

6. 说课说出了教学方案设计及其理论依据,使上课更具有科学性、针对性,避免了盲目性、随意性对。

7. 为保证每一次说课活动都能达到预期目的、收到可观实效,应做到目的明确、针对性强、准备充分、评说准确对。

8. 说课中的“说教材”,就是要说明整套或某册教材的编写意图、知识结构、优缺点等错。

9. 说学情,就是要从宏观层面分析学生的年龄特征和认知规律错。

10. 在说课过程中,说课者必须向听众说明“教什么”以及“教什么的原因”,这就是“说教材”的实质对。

11. 对教材的分析,重点应是全面深入地分析该课教学内容所涉及的学科知识及知识结构、学科思想与方法、内容的呈现方式和特点、情感价值等对。

12. “三维目标”既是三个独立的教学目标,又是统一的不可分割的整体错。

13. 对教材内容的分析是通向深刻理解、准确把握、灵活处理教材的必由之路,也是说课时之所以需要首先分析教学内容的原因对。

14. “说教法”,就是说课者根据教学要求和所教对象,说清如何运用相应的教学方法来完成教学任务,并运用何种教学手段,来强化教学目标的重点,化解难点,使学生掌握所教知识对。

15. 教学方法是指为了完成一定的教学任务,师生在共同活动中采用的手段,它主要是指教师教的方法错。

16. 说课稿是教师实施课堂教学的操作性方案,是教师备课这个复杂思维过程的总结,多是教学具体过程的罗列,是教师备课结果的记录错。

17. 说课者对所说课内容应作详略取舍,切不可平均用力、面面俱到,对教材内容、教学方法等一定要详讲,对一般问题要略讲错。

18. 说课者如果能够事先准备好说课稿,在说课时尽量做到只字不漏地背诵错。

19. 说课应“以教材为本”,但不能“照本宣科”,要能驾驭教材,发挥教师的创造性对。

20. 说课时,教师应以平和的目光注视着听众,不时地与听众进行目光的接触,避免眼神飘忽不定对。

Fill in each blank of the following statements with appropriate words.

1. The five concepts concerning English Language Teaching Methodology are:

(1)methodology (2) approach (3) strategy (4) method (5) technique

2. The five steps concerning English language classroom teaching are:

(1)Revision (2) Presentation (3) Drills (4) Practice (5)Consolidation

3. In the process of the five steps concerning English language classroom teaching, the English teacher may serve as:

1)a memory activator in the first step

2)a demonstrator in the second step

3)an organizer or a conductor in the third step

4)a referee or a supervisor or a listener in the fourth step

5)a helper at first and later on a marker in the fifth step

4. What are the five objectives of language teaching and learning?

1) develop linguistic competence

2) develop communicative competence

3) develop discourse competence

4) develop learning competence to promote learner’s autonomy

5) develop test-tackling competence

5. 所谓“说课”,就是以教育科学理论和教材为依据,针对每一节课的具体特点,口头表达该课题的具体教学设想及其理论依据的一种教研活动。

6. 说课的特点主要表现为说理性、科学性、高层次性、预见性。

7. “说教材”应主要围绕以下两个方面展开:一是说明教材版本及章节,二是分析教学内容。

8. 学情,就是包括学生年龄特征、认知规律、学习方法及已有知识和经验等在内的总和。

9. 说教学程序,即说教学过程的安排以及为什么这样安排,一般分为说教学过程和说教学结构的特点两种形式。

10. 课程标准是规定某一学科的课程性质、课程目标、内容目标、实施建议的教学指导性文件。

11. 教材是根据课程标准编写的,是教师教学和学生学习的主要载体。

12. 说课与上课的区别何在?


(2)内容不同。上课的主要内容在于教哪些知识、怎么教,重在讲述、解 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 因。T

12. 对教材的分析,重点应是全面深入地分析该课教学内容所涉及的学科知识及知识结构、学科思想与方法、内容的呈现方式和特点、情感价值等。T

13. “三维目标”既是三个独立的教学目标,又是统一的不可分割的整体。F

14. “说教法”,就是说课者根据教学要求和所教对象,说清如何运用相应的教学方法来完成教学任务,并运用何种教学手段,来强化教学目标的重点,化解难点,使学生掌握所教知识。T

15. 教学方法是指为了完成一定的教学任务,师生在共同活动中采用的手段,它主要是指教师教的方法。F

16. 说课稿是教师实施课堂教学的操作性方案,是教师备课这个复杂思维过程的总结,多是教学具体过程的罗列,是教师备课结果的记录。F

17. 说课者对所说课内容应作详略取舍,切不可平均用力、面面俱到,对教材内容、教学方法等一定要详讲,对一般问题要略讲。F

18. 说课时,教师应以平和的目光注视着听众,不时地与听众进行目光的接触,避免眼神飘忽不定。T

19. 说课者如果能够事先准备好说课稿,在说课时尽量做到只字不漏地背诵。F

20. 说课应“以教材为本”,但不能“照本宣科”,要能驾驭教材,发挥教师的创造性T


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