以下为《期末 project 模板及格式要求》的无排版文字预览,完整内容请下载
The Effects of Extensive Reading on reading comprehension rate and vocabulary acquisition
课程名称 第二语言习得
授课教师 高某某
院 系 外***
年级专业 2018级英语
姓 名 姜某某
学 号 20***
时 间 2021年 5 月 18 日
Title: The Effects of Extensive Reading on reading comprehension rate and vocabulary acquisition.
Source: Reading Research Quarterly.
Authors: Namhee Suk.
Time: Jan. 2017
ISSN: 0034-0553
Part 1 Summary (以下为示例,写作前请删除。格式要求:标题字体、字号:Times New Roman, 四号,加粗;正文字体:Times New Roman, 字号;小四,行间距:固定值22;请大家上交打印版作业,并将电子版的材料保存好。)
The methods and perspectives used in language research are continuously changing and improving. The importance of semantics is taken for granted with the appearance of transformation-generative grammar.………… This paper will introduced a new perspective on pragmatic study—ethnopragmatics, which is the main thing discussed in the chosen paper. The structure of this paper is as following: firstly, the main idea or the summary of the chosen paper is given; secondly, some comments including the advantages and limitations of the chosen paper will be made; then, at the end of the paper, two research questions that are based on the comments will be proposed.
Several empirical studies and syntheses of extensive reading have concluded that extensive reading has positive impacts on lang 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 rts, and then, two research questions will be proposed.
First of all, ……………………………………
Secondly, …………………………………………
…………………………………… (不少于300词)
Part 3 Research questions(以下为示例,写作前请删除)
Based on the advantages and limitations, two research questions are proposed:
以上为《期末 project 模板及格式要求》的无排版文字预览,完整内容请下载
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