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19-20上 新高考 高二江苏(N) 第22期

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A4 新高考·高二江苏(N) 第 22 期 (2019~2020) OUT OF CLASS LEARNING ENGLISH 读后续写 NEW TEST 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续 写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 At noon that day, I drove back to my house after the performance. Just as I entered the living room, I heard a gentle sound coming from the bedroom upstairs  it was the sound of my favorite violin. “Thief!” I dashed upstairs. Sure enough, as expected, a boy of about 12 years old was petting my violin. The boy had messy hair and a thin face, his oversized coat seemingly stuffed with something. At first glance, I found a pair of shoes under the bed missing. It seemed that he was surely a thief. Then, I saw his eyes were full of fear and despair (绝望). My anger was immediately replaced by a smile. I asked, “Are you Mr. Ram’s nephew Rubens? I’m his housekeeper. Two days ago I heard his nephew living in the countryside would come. It must be you. You’re really like him!” On hearing my words, the boy was first astonished, but then quickly said, “Has my uncle gone out? I think I’d better first go out for a walk and visit him again in a while.” I nodded and asked the boy who was preparing to put down the violin, “Do you like to play the violin so much?” “Yes, but so poor am I that I can’t afford it,” the boy sighed. “Then, I give this violin to you.” The boy looked at me questioningly for a moment, but finally he picked up the violin. Going out to the living room, he suddenly saw a huge photo of me playing the violin at the Grand Theatre of Sydney. He involuntarily (不自觉地) trembled for a moment and ran out without looking back. I was sure that the boy had understood what happened because no master would decorate the living room with the housekeeper’s photo. 注意: 1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键 词语; 3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已 为你写好; 4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使 用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: A few years later, I was invited to be a judge in a music competition of senior high school students.                                                                                                           Paragraph 2: After the competition, “Rubens” ran to me, holding a violin box.                                                                                                             (参考范文见下期中缝) The Amazon rainforest is burning at a record rate and the place is in chaos. The Amazon is often called “the lungs of the world”, and it plays an important role in absorbing greenhouse gases. It is also home to a large crowd of people who rely on the forest’s resources. However, people who want to clear land in the Amazon for business are cutting down trees, leaving them out to dry and setting them on fire. With the trees out of the way, they have room to grow crops. Massive fires aren’t a natural occurrence because the climate is damp in the Amazon. But once you start clearing forest and let the trees dry, fires can cause more damage. From a different angle, the trees, plants and ESSAY AppRECIATION "NB[PO rainforest is on fire ■王晶 SENTENCE BANK animals in the Amazon are not adaptive to fire, and so they are easily killed. The best way to stop a crisis1 is to remind Brazil’s government of the urgency of strictly protecting the land. The Amazon generates2 rain that helps crops grow across the Americas, which makes a difference to basic food supplies. Additionally, without the Amazon’s carbon absorption, damage to the climate becomes increasingly unavoidable. From: https://doc.001pp.com Notes 1. crisis n. 危机 2. generate v. 产生 (文中黑体部分为本单元Project词汇) ① He hopes that the interest generated by the robot will encourage people to study technology and particularly AI. 翻译:他希望由机器人激发的兴趣可以激 励人们对科技,特别是对人工智能技术的研 究。 分析:句中that the interest generated by the robot will encourage people to study technology and particularly AI是that引导的宾语从句,其中 generated by the robot是过去分词短语作后置定 语,修饰the interest。 ② Penny McBride, who was thinking about creating a greenhouse that would provide a local source of produce for the town, approached architect Nona Yehia with the idea. 翻译:Penny McBride想设计一种温室, 这种温室可以为该镇提供当地的农产品供应, 带着这种想法,她联系了建筑师Nona Yehia。 分析:句子主干是Penny McBride approached architect Nona Yehia with the idea;句中who was thinking about creating a greenhouse及that would provide a local source of produce for the town是 定语从句,分别修饰先行词Penny McBride和a greenhouse。 《学英语》报 《学英语》报 官方微信服务号 官方微信订阅号 扫一扫 查答案 本版主编 孙 丹 责编 王某某 本报地址 **_*XX区龙某某190号 邮政编码 030032 联系电话 0351-*** ***(发行中心) 订阅查询 0351-*** *** 激光排版 本报激光照排中心 印刷 *_**(XX开发区汇通产业园区南六堡段恒***院内) 订阅方式 为方便订阅 订户可通过当地发行工作站订购 订阅时 请核验其“授权书”“工作证”或直接向本报发行中心咨询 以防假冒盗版行为 《环球阅读》 (Global Reading) (高一\高二\高三版) 落实“立德树人”根本任务 发展英语学科核心素养 提升“听说读看写”综合语 言技能 随着新课标、新课 改及新高考的逐步落实, 国家教育部对学生基础教 育阶段的英语阅读量和英 语语言综合运用能力提出 了更高的要求。 在此背 景某某,《学英语》以《环 球时报》英文版(Global Times)的内容资源为基 础,精心策划了《环球阅 读》(Global Reading),力 求以敏锐的视角、精准的 信息和原汁原味的英语语 言,为广大师生提供符合 课程改革要求、切合教学 目标、激发学生兴趣的优 质英文资源,为中国英语 基础教育改革贡献力量! 编辑特色 语言原汁原味, 时文更新及时 主题源于课标, 关注学科素养 推动文化传播, 培养国际情怀 多模态语篇呈现, 综合能力同步提升 版面设置 P1 头版头条: 时事热点,全新主张 P2-P3 环球视野: 纵观世界,时文博览 P4-P5 主题阅读: 主题引领,策略指导 P6 品读经典: 名著连载,佳句赏析 P7 读写结合: 用英文讲中国故事 P8 悦读空间: 视听结合,编读互动 扫码进入学英语环球阅 读官方微信订阅号,获 取更多内容。 本报荣获全国教辅类一级报纸、第五届全国外语教辅类报纸质量检查第一名 R SINCE 1983 2019年11月26日 星期二 新高考 高二江苏(N) 第 22 期 总17635期 邮发代号 21-192 主管单位 **_* 主办单位 **_* 编辑出版 学英语报社 社长 吕某某 总编 李某某 编审 Nancy E. Riley 国内统一刊号 CN14-0702/(F) 网址 http://doc.001pp.com 本 期 导读 ☆ 让我们一起感受《黑骏马》这部小说的魅力吧(A1);☆ 小练习,大收获(A2-A4);☆ 模拟测试(B3)。 【导 读】 《黑骏马》是十九世纪 下半叶轰动欧洲文坛的儿 童小说,作者Anna Sewell 从一匹马的视角,讲述了它 的一生。小说的主人公“黑 骏 马 ”是 一 匹 漂 亮 的 优 种 马,从小受过良好的训练。 四岁时主人就开始训练它 适应各种装备,最终把它训 练成一匹优秀的驮马。 CLASSIC READING Black Beauty As the months and years went on, I grew to become quite a goodlooking horse, if I may say so myself. I was all black. The only exception was my right foot and a small mark on my forehead1 in the shape of a star. Several men would give their money to Farmer Grey, who was my master, as soon as I became old enough to work. But the farmer promised never to sell any of his horses until they had reached their fourth year. He didn’t think it right to make them work before that age. Finally, the day when I was four years old came. Farmer Grey began to introduce me to all kinds of riding and pulling equipment that I would have to get used to if I hoped to make a good workhorse. He decided to train me himself because I was one of his favorite horses. He feared some of the other trainers might frighten or hurt me. What I hated most about the equipment was wearing the bridle. It is a metal piece that was put in horses’ mouths, and tied to it are the reins, which the riders or carriage2 drivers pull on to guide the horse. I’d seen my mother wearing these when she worked, but I never had any idea about how much it hurt because she never complained. Luckily, Farmer Grey was very gentle when he first introduced this to me. And afterward, he would always give me some food and try to help me feel better. Soon, after I’d become more familiar with the bridle, Farmer Grey started to take me out to the field for walks in the early morning. Then he surprised me one day by putting a saddle on my back and climbing on. At first, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to carry him because he was so heavy, but then I found myself running slowly around the field and letting him guide me with the reins. For a long time, I’d thought the day would never come when I would be carrying a man on my back. But now I was. I hoped all of the other horses could see how well I was doing it. Since I could be ridden, I would need horseshoes to protect my feet. So the next day Farmer Grey took me to the nearest village to see the blacksmith3. When he first put the horseshoes on me, they hurt quite a lot. But I quickly got used to them. Next came the harness, which is a large ring that fits around the neck and is used for pulling carriages. And with the harness also came blinders. Horses are sometimes easily frightened by the things they see around them, so blinders are put around their eyes to prevent them seeing things around them. Now, even though a lot of these 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 erica and South America. Chocolate has been proven to increase 8 (happy) partly and therefore it’s beneficial to eat some chocolate once in a while. There are so many ways to serve chocolate. Most of the time it 9 (consume) as a dessert or a sweet. When frozen, it makes a tasty ice-cream in summer. When hot, it is a delicious winter-dessert in the shape of cookies, cakes or 10 drinkable hot chocolate. 1.      2.      3.      4.      5.      6.      7.      8.      9.      10.      (参考答案见下期中缝) [文章尾部最后500字内容到此结束,中间部分内容请查看底下的图片预览]

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