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语音教案 第6周

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焦 作 师 专 教 案 纸










Make a general introduction to this subject and the text book;

Show the speech organs and technical terms on this subject;

Emphasize the pronunciation of English letters;

Show the requirement and the arrangement of this subject.


The general knowledge and the introduction to this subject;

The requirement and the arrangement of this subject;

The pronunciation of English letters.


The speech organs and technical terms on this subject;

The general knowledge of this subject.


In this week, T needs to get the Ss known to English Phonetics, the theories, the content of this subject and the main tasks of learning it. Also in this week, Ss should be clear about the arrangement, the requirement and the final evaluation of this subject.


Firstly, T will introduce this subject the whole class. Then tell the requirement, the arrangement and the final evaluation to the class by going through the text book. Last but not the least, Get the class to have the first impression of English phonemes and letters.


Preview the classification and the front vowels.

第( )页

焦 作 师 专 教 案 纸

The Main content of the teaching

Brief introduction to each other (asking questions about their class, lessons).

This subject

What is this subject about? (We can ask Ss first)

This subject focuses/ aims at improving Ss’ pronunciation, rhythm, intonation, to make Ss’ oral

English very E 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 wledge and practice actively.

After class, focus on practicing the problems / errors of your pronunciation.

Imitate; Listen more (Listening is good to pronunciation); Read aloud English

Movies and songs

Introduction of this book and arrangement of this term.

the Assessment

26 letters.

第( )页


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