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张三 教授


2020年5月30日 A Study of the Criteria of Media Interpretation from the Perspective of Media Interpreting Features


Li Si

A Thesis Submitted to the University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Under the Supervision


Prof. Zhang San

School of Foreign Languages

Tianjin Chengjian University

May 30, 2020



毕业设计(论文)作者签名: 签字日期: 年 月 日




毕业设计(论文)作者签名: 指导教师签名:

签字日期: 年 月 日 签字日期: 年 月 日

摘 要








The adoption of interpretation especially simultaneous interpretation in mass media becomes a highlight in the development of Chinese media industry. With media interpretation, the speed of news reporting is accelerated, thus news sounding more real and fresher. Interviews and other programs also benefit from a wider variety of contents. As globalization is developing faster and faster, media interpretation, as a means to bridge the East and the West will definitely become a new trend in the development of Chinese media industry.

Keywords: interpretation; media interpretation; features of interpretation

1、“Abstract”采用三号字、Times New Roman字体、加粗、居中、与内容空一行。

2、Abstract内容采用小四号Times New Roman字体编排,首行空两个字符,行间距设为1.5倍行距。

3、“Keywords”采用小四号、Times New Roman字体、加粗、顶格编排。

4、Keywords内容采用小四号、Times New Roman字体编排,各个关键词之间用半角分号隔开。


(三号、Times New Roman、加粗、居中、与正文空一行)

Introduction(小四、Times New Roman、加粗)…………………………………………×

Chapter One Interpretation………………………………………………………………×

1.1 Definition of Interpretation(小四、Times New Roman、空一个字符)……………×

1.1.1 Definition of Translation(小四、Times New Roman、空两个字符)…………×

1.1.2 Definition of Interpretation(小四、Times New Roman、空两个字符)………×

1.2 The Form of Interpretation……………………………………………………………×

1.2.1 Consecutive Interpretation ……………………………………………………×

1.2.2 Simultaneous Interpretation ……………………………………………………×

Chapter Two Features ……………………………………………………………………×

2.1 Features of Interpretation……………………………………………………………×

2.1.1 Features of Translation …………………………………………………………×

2.1.2 Features of Interpretation ………………………………………………………×

2.2 The Form of Interpretation……………………………………………………………×

Chapter Three Discourse Analysis in Interpreting Research

3.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………×

3.2 What Is Discourse? ……………………………………………………………×

3.3 What Is Discourse Analysis? …………………………………………………………×

3.4 Conducting Discourse Analysis………………………………………………………×

3.4.1 Analysing Monolingual Discourse………………………………………………×

3.4.2 Sample Analysis of A Text………………………………………………………×




Appendix I…………………………………………………………………………………×

Appendix II…………………………………………………………………………………×



3、目录标题Contents采用三号字,Times New Roman 字体,加粗,居中,与正文空一行。

4、目录内容所有字体均为小四、Times New Roman,一级目录均加粗,二级目录空一个字符,三级目录空两个字符,以此类推。

5、目录行间距设为1.5倍行距。 Introduction

Report on the “9.11” terrorist attack occurred in 2001 started the history of news media interpreting in China. Since then, adopting interpretation in the mass media has become a new trend in the development of Chinese mass media (Kurz, 1993: 23). Media interpretation, as a new form of interpretation, has many advantages: it makes great or meaningful events happened around the world be reported as quickly as possible; with media interpretation, people could watch live programs, which makes these programs more real and fresher to the audience; and by using media interpretation, more programs could be introduced, which enriches people’s spiritual life and lets people know more about the world.

1、“Introduction”采用小二号字、Times New Roman字体、加粗、居中、与内容空一行。

2、正文开头空两个字符,小四,Times New Roman 字体,行间距设为1.5倍行距,引言内容编排应和正文的编排要求相一致。

3、页眉居中置于页面上部,居中,写出“Introduction”,五号,Times New Roman字体,加双下划线(上粗下细)。


5、文中注释采用括号加注的格式,内容为:(作者,出版或发表年:页码),作者为英文名字时,只用其姓氏;为汉语名字时,用汉语拼音写姓氏。(注:引用有两种: paraphrase(释义)和direct quote(直引). 其中,paraphrase需要标明作者和出版年代,不用标页码;direct quote需要标页码,并在论文正文把引用内容使用引号标出。)举例:

Direct quote

(Bradley, 1998: 276)

Paraphrasing with one author

(Bradley, 1998)

Paraphrasing with two authors

(Bradley, and Calhoun, 1998)

Paraphrasing with three to five authors (1st time only)

(Bradley, Calhoun, Davis and Fitch, 1998)

 Paraphrasing with three to five authors (following the 1st time)

(Bradley et al., 1998)

Paraphrasing with six or more authors

(Bradley et al., 1998)

With no author, use the first identifying words of the title

(“The Journey,” 1998)

Chapter One Interpretation

(居中、小二号、加粗、Times New Roman、与正文空一行)

What makes a consecutive interpretation suddenly come alive? How is it that with more or less the same words two students can produce such different performances, the one conveying a message, the other not? After years of trying to help students to teach themselves how to interpret I have come to the conclusion that part of the answer lies in what could be called “the Sense of Situation.”

1.1 Definition of Interpretation(四号、Times New Roman、加粗、顶格)

With growing use of interpreting at multinational meetings whose participants come from increasingly varied cultural and sociolinguistic backgrounds, some aspects of the interpreter's role and performance may deserve a closer look. Beyond the truism that he serves as a communications tool, his role has not infrequently expanded into that of an intermediary, bridging vastly disparate traditions. Both the newly independent and emerging nations as well as the growing “democratization” of international gatherings have largely contributed to this state of affairs. In this context, some reflections based on observations may not be out of place.

1.1.1 Definition of Translation(小四号、Times New Roman,加粗、顶格)

Catford defines translation as “the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL) (Catford, 1965: 20)”.

正文(小四号、Times New Roman,空2个字符)

Table 1. Interpretation(Times New Roman,五号,居中,位于表上)


(表头Times New Roman五号,加粗,居中)


Trainee A


(Times New Roman 五号,居中)


Trainee B




1.1.2 Definition of Interpretation

Interpreting refers to the oral translation of a spoken message or text.

1.2 Features of Interpretation(四号、Times New Roman、加粗、顶格)

Interpreting differs from translation in a number of important respects.

1.2.1 Unpredictable(小四号、Times New Roman、加粗、顶格)

In the process of interpreting正文(小四号、Times New Roman,空2个字符)

1.2.2 Of High Intensity(小四号、Times New Roman、加粗、顶格)

In the process of interpreting正文(小四号、Times New Roman,空2个字符即敲四下空格键)


In terms of her efforts to unite England, Elizabeth is well known for many qualities, including her foreign policies such as defeating the Spanish Armada, and domestic policies such as securing the Church of England, but underestimated is her role of advocating translation, which contributed both to her foreign and domestic policies, and helped establish an identifiable British literature. In Translation: An Elizabethan Art (1931), F.O. Matthiessen opens his book with the following:

A study of Elizabethan 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 anchor speak with the studio director about the following sections and other stuff, the media interpreter will be affected greatly who is interpreting attentively. Second, there are always not professional earphones or microphones for media interpreters.


2、“Appendix II”采用小二号字、Times New Roman字体、加粗、居中、与内容空一行。

3、正文开头空两个字符,小四,Times New Roman 字体,行间距设为1.5倍行距,附录内容编排应和正文的编排要求相一致。

4、页眉居中置于页面上部,居中,写出“Appendix”,五号,Times New Roman字体。



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