自考英语二自学教程答案(纯答案) Unit1 课后习题参考答案 Text A I . 1. B 2. A 3.D 4. A 5. C II . Section A l. Consistent 2. Statement 3. Reflect 4. Invalid 5. Considerably 6 comparison Section B 1 . Credible 2. Identify 3. Assumptions 4. Represents 5 evaluated 6. Approriate Section C 1. to 2.forth 3.into 4.for 5.with 6.to Ⅲ .1. define 2.action 3.tears 4. good 5.express 6.powerful 7. internally 8.shape 9.responds to 10. personal Ⅳ. Section A 1. take interests of different social groups into account 2. Compare the recent work with the previous work 3. was not consistent with his statement to the police 4. was not relevant to the matter being dealt with 5. Please inform us of any change in vour case .-. Section B 想成为灵活的读者,就要知道如何选择和使用阅读风格,这种阅读风格与你的阅读目的是一致的。知道在不同时间 以不同方式使用不同的阅读风格,这样就可以成为灵活的读者。研究阅读就是灵活读者采用的阅读风格,他们希望 借此充分理解难度较大的文章。采用阅读风格,你就要放慢阅读速度,而且在阅读时还要挑战自我,力求理解文章 的内涵。这种方法常常需要反复阅读,充分理解。有时候大声朗读也会增进对文章的理解。 V.5 2 1 6 3 4 Ⅵ .有些人认为阅读就是为了寻找信息, 通过记忆文章中的表达来获取知识。 既然只有专家学者才应该具备批判性阅 读的能力,或者说只有在学术机构才需要培养批判性阅读能力,那么我们普通人就没有必要培养这种能力了。对于 这种观点你是否同意?请给出理由,并举例证明。 Text B I . Section A 1.Y 2.N 3.Y 4. N 5.Y 6.NG Section B 1. Mastering our language 2. our quality of life 3 . Determination 4. power 5. live whatever life we desire 6. some alternatives II . Section A 1 . confidence 2 . Creative 3. Eliminate 4 . dramatically 5 . Significant Section B 1 . matter 2 . commonly 3. Pleased 4. infinite 5 . Commands 6. quality Section C l. out 2. up 3. on 4. to 5. in 6. over III . Section A 1. have a noticeable impact on the country's future 2. but it really matters to me 3. but the police were in control of it soon 4. I have no alternative but to let you go 5. It's up to the manager to make the final decision Section B 6. limit 英语在工作场合是非常重要的, 运用正确得体, 可以极大地提升事业或者业务的水平。 之前想学习英语,而那些在职人员则可以在工作中发现自己运用英语的优势和劣势? 也许有些人在进入职业生涯 在商务方面, 知道如何进行谈判是非常有价值的技巧。 你需要知道自己想要什么, 如何讨价还价, 如何做出让步。 能够处理好冲突,知道如何结束谈判,这样结果会截然不同的。 职场英语学习能够使专业人士之间的交流更加有效,从而为顾客、商务伙伴或者供应商提供优质的服务,这对于任 何***来说都是积极有效的。 Ⅳ. Section A 1. When dipping in mustard, Sam said the sausage was excellent. 2. A Frenchman murdered two wives whose cooking he didn't like 3. Annie's dress was old, faded and wrinkled. 4. The need for jobs will make us develop our industries, which causes envirnmental problems. 1 / 14 5. My new running shoes which cost more than a hundred dollars fell apart during the marathon. Section B l. Mr. Randolph was born in Florida. 2. The march featured the Reverend Martin Luther King's unforgettable "I Have a Dream" speech. Unit2 课后习题参考答案 Text A I .1. D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.B II . Section A l . Effectively 2. Response 3. Discover 4. Occur 5. Rare 6. scientific Section B 1. Remove 2. Eventually 3 . Opportunity 4. Renowned 5 . interviewed 6. Section C 1. to 2. so 3. to 4. On 5. in 6. for III 1. Fear 2. Under 3. Unavoidable 4. Success 5.without 6. Reach 7. Between Ⅳ. Section A Remarked 8.so that 9. as long as 10. wisely 1. actively respond to the president's request 2. his accent set him apart from others 3.I have rarely seen such a beautiful sunset 4. restore people's confidence in the national eoon omy 5. she remarked on the progress of the boy Section B 在那段日子里, 我感觉自己就像是一个失败者, 至今仍记忆犹新。 但是后来我明白了, 做一件事情失败并不是做所 有事情都失败。实际上,失败是成长路上不可或缺的组成部分。生活中到处都要反复尝试。为了走上成功之路,一 路上你可能会拐错弯。 借用约翰· 麦斯威尔的话说, 我所明白的就是 “从失败中吸取教训” ,也就是利用每次失误来 完善自我。对于失败,人们面临的最大问题之一就是,过早地对生活中彼此孤立的事情做出评判,认为那些就是失 败。相反,他们需要考虑得更全面一些。成功的棒球运动员不会把一次出局看作是失败,而是从全局出发来考虑。 他的这种观点让他能够坚持到底,坚持带来了长远,长远使他有机会成功。 V.2 1 4 3 6 5 Ⅵ.正如谚语所说的那样, “失败乃成功之母” 。有些人坚信做任何事情都会失败。亨利·福特说过一句名言, “我不 犯错误; 我从中受益匪浅。 ”失败教会我们什么呢?如何从失败中吸取经验教训, 最后获得成功呢?请陈述理由, 举 例证明你的观点。 Text B I . Section A 1.N 2.N 3. Y 4.Y 5. NG 6.Y Section B 1. Messy 2. her anniversary gift 3. the mess in the kitchen 4. what to say 5. long-term significance 6 not just teaching lessons, they are teaching children II . Section A 1. Slightly 2. Troublesome 3. Occasional 4. Inspection 5. Responsbile 6. disaster Section B 1 . Presented 2. Frustration 3. Awfully 4. Deserves 5 . Issues 6. glance Section C 1. from 2.out 3.with 4.off 5.up 6.of Ⅲ. Section A 1. She glanced at/round the room 2. gesturing to me to follow him 3. Once the paper is positioned correctly 4. speak out its views on political issues 5. It's vital to send the medical supplies to this area Section B 只要具备了这几种关键的能力, 成功人士就可以从中吸取失败的经验, 转败为胜, 就能规避一次又一次的失败了。 首先,成功人士失败的时候不会自责,而是勇于承担责任,但是他们不必本人亲自接受失败。第二,成功人士不会 因为个人的失败而对自己妄下评论,因为他们意识到每次失败只不过是整个事件中的一小部分而已。第三,成功人 士喜欢根据不同的问题,而采取不同的方法,这一点对于每个行业来说都是很重要的。如果一种方法不奏效,你一 次又一次失败,那么就要尝试下别的方法了。要想转败为胜,就必须采取对自己有效的方法,当然了这种方法不一 定对别人有效。最后一点,成功人士能屈能伸,不会因为一次失误而一蹶不振,而是从中吸取教训,继续前进。 2 / 14 Ⅳ. Section A 1. Sir Humphry Davy was an excellent literary critic as well as agreat scientist . 2. One reason why Roger likes rabbits is that he not only plays with but also hunts them . 3. The children gazed at the monkeys hanging by their tails from the branches . 4.Last night I had my first taste of sake,a Japanese beverage made from rice. 5. John Wayne, who appeared in over 200 movies, was the biggest box-office attraction of his time. Section B Finding a reliable used car at an affordable price requires both planning and persistence. Unit3 课后习题参考答案 Text A I.1.A 2.A 3. B 4.A 5.B II . Section A 1. recognition 2. Reflection 3. Undisputed 4. loyalty 5. Essential 6. assurance Section B 1 . sought 2. Requested 3. Challenges 4. mutual 5 . Virtue 6. generation Section C 1. of 2. in 3. of 4. of 5. through 6. In Ⅲ . 1. While 2. Wisely 3. On 4 . opposites 5 . Personalities 6. That 7. Whatever 8.unique 9. a couple of 10. share IV. Section A 1. continued to engage in criminal activities 2. exploit natural resources 3. must request approval 4. had betrayed her parents' trust 5. lead to serious results Serious B 我们很容易就把好朋友想当然了, 就如同是一副舒服的手套一样, 老朋友感觉亲切。 但是, 如果因为工作繁忙、 相 互之间太熟悉了而长期忽视友谊,那么友谊也会发生变化的 -因为友谊也是需要更新的。如果你想让友谊常保青春, 请慎重考虑以下最重要的品质,或许能帮你搞清楚为什么你与好友已经多年没有通电话了,为什么被问及“这周末 跟谁一起玩”时会感到很尴尬。也许你时常忽略那些亲密的朋友,但是如果你无法培养这些品质——忠诚、宽容、 诚实和奉献——就无法结交真正的朋友。 V. 3 2 6 4 5 1 Ⅵ,随着信息技术的发展, 网上冲浪的人数激增, 他们已经习惯了在网上完成好多事情, 比如, 阅读、 学习、 购物, 甚至是交友。有些人认为可以在网上找到真正的朋友,而有些人则持相反的观点。你认为虚拟朋友是忠诚的、真正 的朋友吗?请陈述理由,举例证明你的观点。 Text B I . Section A I.Y 2.Y 3.N 4.NG 5.N 6.Y Section B 1 . Ungrateful 2. their faith 3. Sacrificed 4. prosperity and in poverty 5. a pnnce 6. accompany him II . Section A 1. Pursuit 2. Faithful 3. Ungrateful Section B 4. Fiercely 5. Prosperity 6. reputation l. Privileges 2. Prone 3. Poverty 4. Alert 5. Scene 6. deserted Section C 1. by 2.to 3.against 4.to 5.to 6.down Ⅲ. Section A 1. home is the best place to lick your wounds 2. If only I had time to review my lessons 3. be alert to risks of tourism 4. enjoy some privileges 5. will be the first encounter between Party leaders Section B 现在, 对你而言, 好朋友依然是把两种选择中更好的选择留给你; 你感到恐惧时握住你的手; 帮助你抗击那些试图 占你便宜的人;当你不在时依然想着你;提醒你忘了些什么;帮助你摆脱过去,但如果你需要在回忆中多停留一会 3 / 14 儿,他也会理解, 和你在一起让你有信心; 特地为你腾出时间; 为你引起的纠纷善后; 帮助你处理来自他人的压力; 帮助你成为一个更好的人……,而最重要的是,爱你! IV. Section A 1. He spread a rumor that the president was going to resign, leading to a great confusion in that country. 2. If left alone on a desert island, what would you do first? 3. Do you still remember those days we spent in Hong Kong last year? 4. All their belongings, together with the remains of tom-up newspapers, lie scattered over the carpet. 5. It seems that more and more of my friends are faced with great challenges in their lives. Section B 1. Her brother usually babysits her in his spare time 2. Her father likes to take photos when she smiles. Unit4 课后习题参考答案 Text A I . 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B II . Section A 1. Dealers 2. Complain 3. Rarely 4. Blessing 5. Contribute 6. illegal Section B l. Committed 2. Subsistence 3 . Section C Immigrants 4. Unrest 5. Quit 6. victim 1. about 2. of 3. to 4. in 5. in 6. again Ⅲ . 1.check out 2. Improve 3. Stressed 4. Arrive 5. clearing away 6. Priority 7. Weight 8. Routine 9. Different 10. route IV. Section A 1. she is looking forward to seeing you 2. If you always complain about being short of time for work 3. will contribute to the develop 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 Thus 6. Though 7. On the other hand 8. Only when Self-Assessment 3 笫一部分:阅读判断题 1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.A 第二部分:阅读选择 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.D 第三部分:概括段落大意和补全句子 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.F 20.E 21.B 22.D 23.C 24.A 25.E 第四部分:填句补文 26.F 27.C 28.E 29.B 30.A 第五部分:填词补文 31.B 32.F 33.H 34.D 35.A 36.J 37.L 38.1 39.K 40.E 第六部分:完形补文 41. dissatisfaction 42. balanced 43. Healthy 44. Vigorous 45. shameful 46. Failure 47. perception 48. comfortable 49. Impossible 50. fulfilled 第七部分:短文写作 略 14 / 14 [文章尾部最后500字内容到此结束,中间部分内容请查看底下的图片预览]