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学术测评 高中英文-UNIDO- Development and Utilization of Clean Energy

以下为《学术测评 高中英文-UNIDO- Development and Utilization of Clean Energy》的无排版文字预览,完整内容请下载


2021 World Model United Nations (Age 10-18) –

High Level Conference



Development and Utilization of Clean Energy



1. 请使用红色Times New Roman字号12,在括号内或问题下方空白处打字作答。

2. 作答语种与试题语种一致。

3. 可以充分利用网络查询调研所需资料后作答。

4. 提交时间与方式:答题后保存Word电子版。于2021年9月26日晚24:00点前提交。登陆大会网站http://bfsumun.unischool.cn/——我的会议——高级别会议——学术测评。


Please briefly introduce the purpose and responsibilities of the United Nations. (Within 100 words)

Safeguarding international peace and security ,protecting human rights,offering humanitarian aid ,supporting sustainable development and climate action and obeying International Law.

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is one of the 6 major institutions of the UN. ( B )

A. True

B. False

What are the main goals and functions of UNIDO? (Within 150 words)

To promote and accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development

What are the focuses of UNIDO in the field of “safeguarding the environment”? (Within 150 words)

Calls for "building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and fostering innovation" ?


The mission of UNIDO is to address the industrial problems facing countries today, particularly at the governmental, institutional and enterprise levels in the three dimensions of ( ABC ) (Multiple choices)

Competitive economy

Favorable environment

Effective employment

Compr 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 lared to support the development of electric or hybrid cars and taken action to award people who buy these cars by reducing their car-buying price.I think we can complete our electricity-making system so that we can reduce the harm brought by the fossil coal burning which aims to make electricity.


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以上为《学术测评 高中英文-UNIDO- Development and Utilization of Clean Energy》的无排版文字预览,完整内容请下载

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