1Part 06Finance
2To achieve a net revenue of $10,000 by 31 December 2021.Financial objective:To employee and train 3 managers, 2 pet doctors, 15 nursing workers and 1 financial staff by 29 June 2021.Operational objective:To increase market share to 5% by 31December, 2021.Market objective:To rent a yard in the suburbs of Zhengzhou in China and decorate to operate our business by 8 May 2021. Project Objectives3 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 cable fee:
telephone rate:
water and electricity:
Employee salary:
Office Supplies:
Start-up cost 5Marketing expenses & Operating expenses
Marketing expenses :
According to the estimation of the marketing part, we expect the marketing expenses to be:
The first year
The second year
The third year
Operating expenses:
Business insurance
Product liability
Start-up cost 6itemsPet foster income
Sales of other pet products
Pet food salesSales