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中图分类号: UDC: G427 900 密级: 学校代码: 公开 10094 硕士学位论文 (专业学位) 高中艺术生地理教学策略研究 The Study on Geography Teaching Strategies for Art Students in Senior Middle School 研 究 生 姓 名 : 唐某某 指 导 教 师 : 袁某某 副教授 学 科 专 业 : 教育硕士 研 究 方 向 : 学科教学(地理) 论文开题日期: 2018 年 6 月 29 日 二0一九年五月十八日 中图分类号: UDC: G427 900 密级: 学校代码: 公开 10094 硕士学位论文 (专业学位) 高中艺术生地理教学策略研究 The Study on Geography Teaching Strategies for Art Students in Senior Middle School 研 究 生 姓 名 : 唐某某 指 导 教 师 : 袁某某 副教授 学 科 专 业 : 教育硕士 研 究 方 向 : 学科教学(地理) 论文开题日期: 2018 年 6 月 29 日 I 摘要 随着社会上艺术学习热潮的兴起,和国家对高中多样化发展的鼓励,高中艺术生队 伍迅速壮大。但大多数艺术生初中文化基础薄弱,在高中学习阶段又重专业轻文化,地 理学习更是十分欠缺。新课改倡导教师为主导,学生为主体的课堂,培养学生学习能力, 提高学生全面素质为主要目标,这就要求地理教师需要深入了解艺术生,探索适合艺术 生的课堂教学策略。 本文在研究国内外有关艺术生和地理教学文献的基础上,结合多元智能理论、建构 主义理论和差异教学理论的指导,采用文献分析法、问卷调查法和访谈法等对高中艺术 生地理学习存在的问题进行调查研究,并提出相应的整改策略,以提高艺术生地理教学 质量,促进艺术生专业课和文化课的双上线。 本文共分为六个部分。 第一章:绪论部分,首先阐述了本文的选题背景与意义,其次分析了国内外艺术生 地理教学的相关研究,提出了研究方法和理论支持。 第二章:介绍了艺术生和教学策略的概念,分析了当前高中艺术生的主要来源,阐 述了艺术生的心理特征和学习特征,并详细介绍了艺术生在高中阶段的课程设置。 第三章:主要介绍了本文调查对象的选取和调查过程的实施,对学生设置有关地理 学习现状的问卷调查,对相关教师展开访谈调查。通过对调查问卷的分析,找出艺术生 地理学习存在的主要问题:初中地理基础薄弱,高中地理学习目的单一,主要为了参加 高考,所以学习兴趣缺乏,加上地理学习方法不科学,不会运用地图解决地理问题,教 师学法指导不到位,不用使用策略学习,导致艺术生地理学习效果欠佳,成绩提高困难。 第四章:针对艺术生地理学习现状,提出可行性的教学策略建议。鉴于艺术生的个 性特征,首先需要营建良好的师生关系,走进学生才能积极引导学生紧跟课堂节奏。其 次教师自身要不断充电,学习新的教育理念和地理前沿知识,提高自我修养和学科专业 修养,才能精准把握教材,整合教学资源,传授给学生既符合大纲要求又满足艺术生需 要的地理知识,采取多样化的方式教学,结合学生的专业技能设计可以吸引学生的教学 情境。最后致力于塑造学生地理学习的优秀品质,激发内在学习动机;培养持久的学习 兴趣;养成良好的学习习惯;培养艺术生自主学习能力,授之以渔。 第五章:结合艺术生的专业特点和学习特点,以《湿地资源的开发与保护》为例, 进行案例分析。 Ⅲ 第六章:结论部分,对本文进行总结并反思不足之处。 本文分析艺术生地理学习过程中存在的弊端并提出相应的教学策略,旨在帮助更多 的艺术生克服地理学习中的困难,减轻学习压力,促进学生的全面发展。 关键词:高中艺术生 地理教学 策略研究 Ⅳ Abstract With the rise of art learning in the society and the state encouragement for the diversification of high schools, the team of high school art students grows rapidly. However, most art students are poor at the general knowledge courses in their junior high schools and never give enough emphasis on these courses in the high school. Besides, their geography learning is even worse compared with other subjects.The new curriculum reform advocates that students should be the main body of the class with the teacher’s leading, which is mainly aimed to develop students’ learning ability and improve their comprehensive qualities. Therefore, geography teachers are required to learn more about the art students and explore the teaching strategies more suitable for art students. Based on the documents of art students and geography teaching from home and abroad and with the guidance of multiple intelligence theory, construct theory and the differential teaching theory, the thesis will find out the problems existing on the students’ geography study and put forward the corresponding solutions to improve the art students’ geography learning and make them reach the standard of art as well as general knowledge courses. Document analysis ,questionnaire research and interview are adopted in the study. This thesis is divided into six parts. Chapter one is the introduction. First the background and the necessity of selecting the topic are elaborated in this chapter. And then the relative cases on art students’ geography learning from home and abroad and research methods and theories are analyzed. Chapter two is mainly about the concepts of art students and teaching strategies, analyzing the sources of art students in high school, elaborating the psychological and learning characteristics. Besides, students’ subjects in high school will be given detailed introduction. Chapter three mainly interprets the selection of study objects and the investigation process, the question on students’ current geography learning and the interviews of teachers. The main problems of art students’ learning geography are presented by analyzing the question. The following problems will be mentioned. The art students have weak knowledge basis on geography in junior high school. Then the only purpose of learning geography in Ⅴ high school is for the college entrance examination, which leads to their lack of interest in learning. Besides, without proper learning methods and strategies, consulting maps and adequate guidance from the teacher, the art students learn geography inefficiently. Corresponding teaching strategies are put forward in Chapter four. Based on the characteristics of art students, the following solutions are put forward. First of all, a harmonious relationship between teacher and students should be established, thus students are willing to listen to the teacher carefully. Next, teachers should improve themselves on self and scientific cultivation , learning advanced teaching concepts and geography knowledge, therefore they can understand the textbook accurately, integrate the teaching resources,teach students the knowledge consistent with curriculum and satisfying the needs of art students. Teacher should adopt diverse methods,and design teaching context based on students art skills that can attract students’ attention, aiming to develop students’ proper learning quality and persistent learning interest on geography, stimulate their inner motivation to study geography, make them form good learning habits, develop their initiative in study and teach them learning methods. Chapter five: Combi the professional characteristics and learning characteristics of art students, conducts the case study with The Development And Protection Of Wetland Resources as an example . Chapter six is the conclusion. It’s about the reflection and disadvantages of the thesis. This thesis put forward the weaknesses and corresponding teaching strategies on current geography learning, aiming to help more are students to overcome the difficulties of studying geography, reducing learning stress, and making students develop in all- round way. Key words: art students in high school; geography teaching;strategy research Ⅵ 目录 中文摘要................................................................Ⅲ Abstract ..............................................................Ⅴ 1 绪论.................................................................1 1.1 研究背景与意义...................................................1 1.1.1 研究背景.....................................................1 1.1.2 研究意义.....................................................2 1.2 研究现状.........................................................2 1.2.1 国外研究现状.................................................2 1.2.2 国内研究现状.................................................3 1.3 研究方法和研究思路...............................................4 1.3.1 文献分析法...................................................4 1.3.2 问卷调查法...................................................4 1.3.3 数据统计法...................................................5 1.3.4 访谈法.......................................................5 1.4 理论基础.........................................................6 1.4.1 多元智能理论.................................................6 1.4.2 建构主义理论.................................................6 1.4.3 差异教学理论.................................................6 2 相关概念和高中艺术生的学情特征.......................................8 2.1 相关概念.........................................................8 2.1.1 艺术生.......................................................8 2.1.2 地理教学策略.................................................8 2.2 高中艺术生的来源及特征...........................................9 2.2.1 高中艺术生的来源.............................................9 2.2.2 高中艺术生的特征.............................................9 2.3 艺术生学情分析...................................................10 2.3.1 初中地理基础.................................................10 2.3.2 高中课程设置.................................................11 Ⅶ 3 高中艺术生地理学习现状调查及结果分析.................................12 3.1 调查内容及实施...................................................12 3.1.1 调查对象.....................................................12 3.1.2 调查设计与实施...............................................12 3.2 调查结果分析.....................................................13 3.2.1 学习问卷调查结果分析.............. 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 生的专业学习可以和地理学科相结合吗? 8. 您对艺术生的地理教学有什么好的建议? 42 致谢 走上工作岗位八年后又重返校园开始研究生的学习生活,使我重温了学生时代对知 识的单纯渴求,也极大的充实了我的知识体系。3 年的研究生生活即将结束,回想这三 年来的每一次学习,有太多的感触与感激。 首先要感谢我的导师袁某某副教授,从我的论文选题、开题到撰写都给予了耐心细 致的指导。尤其是在修改过程中,袁老师甚至于百忙之中牺牲自己的休息时间帮我批改 论文,每当看到邮箱中凌晨收到的批改意见我都想真诚的对老师说一声“您辛苦了!”, 袁老师严谨的治学态度、渊博的专业知识使我受益匪浅,我的论文得以顺利完成离不开 袁老师的辛苦付出,在这里向袁老师致以诚挚的谢意。 其次还要感谢XX师范大学资源与环境***教过我的每一位老师,尤其是王晨 燕老师每一个假期都陪伴我们学习;感谢王某某同学对我的有问必答和有求必应,使我 在论文完成中少走了很多弯路;还要感谢XX二中我的同事配合我完成访谈调查和工作 中对我成长的帮助。 最后感谢我的家人支持我再一次返校学习,帮我照顾家庭和孩子,使我的求学之路 无后顾之忧! 43 [文章尾部最后500字内容到此结束,中间部分内容请查看底下的图片预览]请点击下方选择您需要的文档下载。

  1. 学校疫情防控工作领导小组及下设各组工作方案
  2. 疫情期间家长与学生困惑解答
  3. 谈心谈话记录表一
  4. 李爱科的研修总结
  5. 我的个人研修计划
  6. 在初中地理教学中渗透心理健康教育方案
  7. 中学七八年级地理教学研究评价表现场集体备课登记表
  8. 课程方案和课程标准培训感想
  9. 白面民族小学个人课题研究计划表
  10. 我的个人研修计划
  11. 从事教育工作的我需要不断地学习,以适应社会的需求。能够参与此次网络培训,并做好记录,并认真撰写心得体
  12. 2018国培个人研修计划
  13. 小学语文研修总结
  14. 《幼儿园课程》线上学习考核说明
  15. 师德师风感悟:好教师要不断学习
  16. 新闻宣传培训心得
  17. 深度学习
  18. 初中历史导生制教学模式“五部曲”
  19. 高中地理教师教学反思


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