诚信守则以下是浙江大学数据结构课程组全体老师慎重讨论后推出的内容,供大家参考,欢迎批评指正。本人有义务保护好自己的帐号和*** a responsibility to protect my account number and password
对于号称帐号被盗、非本人提交的作弊代码,除非有技术手段查到非本人提交的证据,否则本人承担责任,被判作弊。In the event another student submits plagiarized class work in my name, I assume responsibility for cheating, unless there exists evidence to the contrary.
本课程的课后作业必须独立完成。I must complete all homework assignments independently.答案:是在作业提交截止、自己的得分确定之前,从任何资源找到他人的作业答案阅读、参考、提交,都是作弊行为。Before the submission deadline and release of grades, it is cheating to seek out from any source and to read/refer to/submit the assignments of others.
提交的作业中包含他人的作品(包括文字、代码、图片、视频等),或对他人的原句、原文段落、具体思路有所引用,但未注明出处或致谢,此种行为属于抄袭。If your submitted work contains pieces of others' work (such as the text, code, figures, video, etc.), or cites other people's original sentences, paragraphs, or solution ideas without clearly referencing or acknowledging its source, it constitutes plagiarism.
伪造实验数据属于作弊。The forgery or falsification of experimental data constitutes cheating.
提交作品参加同行双盲互评时,提交的任何文件的任何地方不能出现足以暴露作者身份的信息,包括作者姓名、学号、昵称、组号、以及文件属性中包含的作者信息等。违者本次作业应被判零分。If the work submitted for peer review reveals the identity of the authors in any way (name(s), student ID's, nickname(s), group number(s), file properties, etc), the work will be assigned a score of zero.
【真实案例】学生A有一个函数不会写,找学生B教他。B教A怎样写这个函数,并且把自己的代码给A看。A和B都应被判作弊。【Real Case】Student A had a function he could not figure out how to write, and then went to student B to ask for help. Student B taught student A how to write the function, and showed student A his own code. Both student A and B had participated in cheating.
【真实案例】学生A有一个函数不会写,找学生B教他。B给A口头讲解了这个函数的思路,没有给A看自己的代码。A和B都不应被判作弊。【Real Case】Student A had a function he could not figure out how to write, and then went to student B to ask for help. Student B gave student A a verbal explanation of the function, without showing student A any code. Neither student A nor student B had participated in cheating.
【真实案例】学生A通过贴广告求职做家教,结果招来了同班同学B请他做家教,辅导课程作业。A应该避嫌,不接受B的邀请。【Real Case】Student A advertised tutoring services, and student B in the same class asked student A to be her tutor and to help completing course work. Student A should not help.
【真实案例】学生A和B提交了极为相似的作业,这份作业是两人分工完成的,每人都做了一半的工作量。A和B不应被判作弊。【Real Case】Student A and B both submitted very similar assignments. One half was completed by student A, another by student B. Neither student should be punished for cheating.
【真实案例】学生A和B提交了极为相似的作业。学生A表示自己是原创,并不知道被抄袭。学生B表示自己是从网上抄的。A和B都应被判作弊。【Real Case】Student A and B both submitted very similar assignments. Student A claimed his work is original, and was unaware it had been copied. Student B admitted he copied it from the Internet. Both student A and student B should be convicted of cheating.
【真实案例】学生A和B提交了极为相似的作业。学生A表示自己是原创,并不知道被抄袭。学生B承认自己盗窃了A的作业。A应被警告,B应被判作弊。【Real Case】Student A and B both submitted very similar assignments. Student A claimed his work is original, and was unaware it had been copied. Student B admitted to copying student A's homework. Student A should be given a warning, and student B should be punished for cheating.
【真实案例】学生A独立完成了一份作业,并把代码给了别人。A应被判作弊。【Real Case】Student A completed his assignment independently, and then distributed his code to other students. Student A should be punished for cheating.
【真实案例】学生A把自己以前独立完成的课程作业上传到某论坛。A不应被判作弊。【Real Case】Student A completed his assignment independently, and then posted his work on a forum. Student A should not be convicted of cheating.
【真实案例】以前上过某课的学生A把自己的作业给了本学期正在上该课的学生B参考,A和B都应被判作弊。【Real Case】Student A, who had previously taken this course, gave his homework to student B, who was currently enrolled in the course. Both student A and student B should be punished for cheating.
【真实案例】某年学生A将作业答案发给学生B。第二年老师布置了同样的题目,学生B将答案放到QQ空间,后被转载到校内论坛。数十位学生参考了该答案。大部分学生自己也进行了解答,但参考了该答案后对自己的解答进行了调整。学生A、B和所有参考了该答案的学生都应被判作弊。【Real Case】Student A sent his homework answers to student B. The next year, a Professor assigned a similar question. Student B uploaded the zip file of these answers on QQ, and then the file was forwarded on the school forum. Dozens of students referenced these answers to complete their homework. Most students first completed the question by themselves, but altered their work after seeing the answers. Student A, student B, and all students who used the answers to complete their assignment should be punished for cheating.
【真实案例】学生A把自己独立完成的作业代码放到开源社区,第二年被学生B抄袭。A和B都应被判作弊。【Real Case】Student A completed his homework independently, and released his code as open source. The next year, student B plagiarized said code. Both student A and student B should be punished for cheating.
【案例】学生A把自己在实际工作中的代码放到开源社区,其中一部分代码被学生B抄袭。B应被判作弊,A无任何责任。【Hypothetical Case】Student A releases the code they have produced during industry working as open source. Student B copies a section of that code to complete their assignment. Student B should be punished for cheating, but student A assumes no responsibility.
【真实案例】学生A在作业提交截止前,从网上找了一份答案提交,后又提交了自己独立完成的、并未满分的答案,并主动向老师坦白自己的答案并未满分。A不应被判作弊。【Real Case】Prior to an assignment deadline, student A found a correct answer on the Internet and submitted it as his own work. Later, he submitted his own work, which was done independently and was not fully correct. He took the initiative to admit to the Professor that his work should not get full marks. Student A should not be punished for cheating.
【真实案例】学生A在作业提交截止、自己的得分确定后,请老师重新开放作业集,从网上找到答案学习,并且提交了其他人的答案和自己修改后的答案。A应被判作弊。【Real Case】After an assignment deadline had passed, and the grading determined, student A asked the Professor to allow her to resubmit the assignment. Student A used the Internet, and the answers of other students, to revise her work. Student A should be punished for cheating.
【真实案例】甲校学生A并未在乙校选课,但旁听乙校课程时把自己独立完成的作业代码放到开源社区,被乙校学生B抄袭。A应被跨校警告,责令立刻消除协助作弊的影响;B应被判作弊。 【Real Case】Student A was from another university, but was sitting in a course at this university. Student A released his assignment code as open source, and student B in this university plagiarized said code. Student A should be given a cross-school warning, ordering him to immediately eliminate the impact of cheating; student B should be punished for cheating.
【案例】学生A在网上的开放题库中自主练习,并且在博客中发布了解题报告和代码。后该题目被老师作为作业发布,该生博客中的代码被学生B抄袭。B应被判作弊,A无任何责任。【Hypothetical Case】Student A practiced on an open online judge (OJ) independently, and posted code and solutions to their blog. Later, a Professor assigned one of the problems on that OJ as homework, and student B plagiarized said code. Student B should be punished for cheating, but student A is not responsible.
本课程的课程设计团队作业需要本团队独立完成。The team projects for this class should be completed independently by each group.答案:是团队提交的作业中包含团队成员以外的他人的作品(包括文字、代码、图片、视频等),或对他人的原句、原文段落、具体思路有所引用,但未明确注明出处或致谢,此种行为属于抄袭。If a team submitted work contains pieces of work (such as the text, code, figures, video, etc.) of someone other than this team's members, or cites other people's original sentences, paragraphs, or solution ideas without clearly referencing or acknowledging its source, it constitutes plagiarism.
在团队任务中未完成本人分工的任务,却在报告中给出虚假分工和承诺,此种行为属于作弊。A false promise or misrepresented contribution in one's team report constitutes cheating.
在团队任务中未能阻止、或举报组员抄袭行为,属于协助作弊,应与直接作弊者一同处罚。If a group becomes aware of plagiarism within their team, and fails to report or otherwise prevent it, they are complicit in cheating and should all be punished accordingly.
学生须携带照片清晰的身份证或学生证于考试开始前10分钟到达考场。Students are required to bring a legible citizenship ID card / passport or their student ID card with a clear photo 10 minutes before the start of an examination.
携带考试规定以外的物品进入考场并且未放在指定位置属于考试违纪。Bringing items other than those allowed to be carried into the examination room, or failed to place them at the specific position, constitutes a violation of the examination regulations.
未在规定的座位参加考试不属于考试违纪。Failing to write t 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 cheating penalty, I must submit my complaint to the Professor within one week of receiving the penalty. After one week has passed, the complaint will no longer be accepted.
本团队明确理解并同意:本学期的团队作业只要出现一次抄袭或作弊行为,则全体成员无资格参加本课程期末考试,且本课程成绩为零分。As a team member, I fully understand and agree that: only one act of cheating or plagiarism by my team during the term will result in the whole team being disqualified from writing the final exam, and automatically assigned a grade of zero in the course.