Dynamics of silver particles during ethylene epoxidation
The catalysts were prepared by incipient wetness impregnation of 2.0?g of the sieved support with a silver oxalate/ethylene diamine solution (2.46 M: 0.92?M) in deionized water. The total amount of silver oxalate was adjusted to obtain silver loadings of 5?wt% and 10?wt%. The resulting catalyst precursor was vacuum dried at room temperature for 1?h and calcined at 275?°C (heating rate 10?°C/min, 10?vol% O2 in He, 1?bar) for 4?h in a quartz tubular flow reactor.
通过在去离子水中用草酸银/乙二胺溶液(2.46M:0.92M)初湿浸渍2.0g筛分的载体来制备催化剂。调节草酸银的总量以获得5wt%和10wt%的银负载量。将得到的催化剂前体在室温下真空干燥1小时,并在石英管式流动反应器中于275℃(加热速率10℃/ min,He中10vol%的O 2,1bar)煅烧4小时。
From qualitative to quantitative understanding of support effects on the selectivity in silver catalyzed ethylene epoxidation
Silver oxalate was prepared by adding a 20?mL, 12?M aqueous solution of silver nitrate (99+%, Sigma-Aldrich) to a 40?mL, 12?M aqueous solution of oxalate dihydrate (99.5%, Merck) at 60?°C and filtrating and washing the precipitate with miliQ water. A solution of 0.82?mmol/gram freshly prepared Ag2C2O4 in a mixture of ethylene diamine (en) and water (0.73?g/g milliQ/(en), or 1:4:16?mol ratio Ag2C2O4:en: H2O) was used to impregnate the support materials. In the case of hydrophobic supports a mixture of ethylene diamine, water and ethanol was used in a volumetric ratio of 20 : 55 : 25 (e?: water : ethanol) to ensure wetting of the support. The volume of solution added corresponded to t 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 条件下在U型反应器中在大气压下进行加热(通常为150mg)。在热处理后,催化剂被再一次破碎,筛选出38-90μm的筛分。将所得催化剂负载有15wt%的银命名为AgAl2O3_atm_flow。热处理过程中的气体气氛以atm表示,以氮气的体积百分比表示,flow的单位为 mL/min。在煅烧过程中的加热速率、最终温度和停留时间。在215℃下,为5℃/min,AgAl2O3_350_100%N2_0,代表着以1℃/min的升温的速率加热到350℃,并保持在350℃24h。