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中国共产党:The Communist Part of China

中华人民共和国:The people’s republic of China

国民党:Nationalist Party of China

论人民民主专政:On the People’s democratic dictatorship


国联调查团:League of Nations survey mission

五四运动:the May 4th Movement

三七运动:March 7th Movement

一带一路:The Belt and Road Initiative

中共一大:The first National Congress of the Communist Party of China?

中国特色社会主义道路:The path of socialism with Chinese characteristics

核心价值观:socialist core values

新民主主义:New Democracy


中共十二届三中全会:The Third Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee,

十二届全国人大三次会议:Third Session of the 12th National People’s Congress(NPC)

党的十五大:The 15th National 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 m

凤凰涅i?Phoenix Nirvana

浴火重生:Bath fire rebirth

中国人民志愿军炮兵第1师:The 1st Artillery Division of the Chinese People's Volunteers

中国人民志愿军战歌:March of the People’s Volunteer Army

红军长征:the Long March of the Red Army

鄂豫皖苏区:Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Area

封建地主:feudal landlord

土地所有制:land ownership

黄某某:jute rope

孜孜不倦:assiduously/diligently/assiduous and never tired

白某某:Baita Temple

八一起义歌:song of August 1 uprising

XX会议:the Gutian Congress

苏联T-54坦克:T-54 Medium Tank

宏氏宗祠:Acer’s ancestral hall

野蛮侵略:brutal invasion

结构性矛盾:structural problem

政策性问题:policy issue

法制化水平:rule of law

正月廿二辛丑年:the 22nd day of the first lunar month is the Year of Sincerity and Ugliness


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