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Social Psychology David Myers 11e Chapter two: The Self in a social world课件

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1Social PsychologyDavid Myers


Chapter two: The Self in a social worldCopyright 2010 McGraw-Hill CompaniesInside the Self What does it mean to ‘have a self’?

Able to look at the self (self-awareness)

Have a self to look at (self-concept)

Self awareness

Why do we have self-awareness?

What happens when we are self aware?§

Self concept

Self in the looking-glass

Let the chilren play!

Self awareness

A psychological state in which one is aware of oneself as an object

Self concept

What we know and believe about ourselves.

A cognitive representation of oneself that gives coherence and meaning to one’s experience. Self in the looking-glass (sources of self-concept) Social categories

Messing up social categories

Social roles

The missing of social roles

Comparable others

Downward comparision

Past success and failure


Our significant others


Cultural ways of thinking the self§

‘Why is there so much control in China?’

Our possessions

Re-selfing starts with striping personal possessionsAbout self-concept Content (self-schema)




Structure (self-complexity)

Self-complexity and well-being §

Do not put all eggs in one basket?Schemas

Mental structures people use to organise and store knowledge around themes, ideas, and subjects.


Key components of the self-concept: highly self-descriptive attributes


We are able to process self-schema r 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 sources, cotent and structure)

Experiencing the self

The overwhelming immediacy…

That leads to inaccurate self-knowledge

Protecting the self

Self-serving bias



Self and well-being


Self-efficacy and locus of control

Self-control (willpower)14[文章尾部最后300字内容到此结束,中间部分内容请查看底下的图片预览]请点击下方选择您需要的文档下载。

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