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Without honesty, one can not reach an inch further and achieve anything. From ancient times till now, honesty has been the basis of a person and a country. Every one and every group should be honest. Individual dishonesty will be harmful to several persons while a society’s loss of faith will put everyone at risk.
A person should be honest and trustworthy since childhood. We all love reading books. In ancient times, there was a man called Song Lian. He also liked reading very much when he was young. However, his family was very poor. He had no money to buy books. He had to borrow from others. Every time when he borrowed books, he told good deadlines and returned books on time and never fault. Once, Song Lian borrowed a book, and the more times he read it, the more he loved it. Thus, he decided to copy it. But the deadline for returning is coming. He had to copy the book overnight. In the winter months, it was freezing cold. His mother said: “Boy, it’s midnight now and it’s so cold. People are not waiting for this book to read.” Song said: “Whether the owner is waiting or not, I should return the book on time. This is an issue of credit.How can I expect respect from others if I don’t keep my words and act in good faith?”
诚实守信从小做起。我们都很爱看书,古时候有个人叫宋某某,他小时侯也很喜欢读书,但是家里很穷,没钱买书,只好向人家借,每次借书,他都讲好期限,按时还书,从不违约。一次,宋某某借到一本书,越读越爱不释手,便决定把它抄下来。但是还书的期限快到了。他只好连夜抄书。时值隆冬腊月,滴水成冰。他母亲说:“孩子,都半夜了,这么寒冷,天亮再朝抄吧。人家又不是等这书看。”宋某某说:“不管人 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 if you find something, give it back to the teacher or the owner; if you promise someone ,do your best.
Once we become honest, we could make our lives better and happier!
三字经有云:曰仁义,礼智信,此XX,不容紊 。同学们,让我们在学习和生活中培养自己的良好品德,让我们彼此坦诚以待,携手共进。
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