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Oxtail stew ADV

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How lucky we are today! All delicious food is easily available to us! Although I can find food of all kinds in stores, there is food that stands out as my favorite one. I easily walk past the pizzas, the fluffy pastries, pies, and cream cakes. But when I sit in the restaurant and see the words oxtail stew with creamed spinach and potatoes, I drool immediately.

I remember the moment when a waiter placed the crispy warm bread rolls beside me on a white plate. In front of me, there were yellow balls of butter. Next, she placed in front of me a bowl of creamed spinach, dark green finely cut with the white cream and steam coming from it advertising it was freshly cooked. I inhaled the warm aroma unique to spinach. Beside it, there was a bowl with smooth white mashed potato.

Then the bowl full of oxtail stew came. Its rich dark brown color was set off by the white bowl it was in. The gravy was thick and rich. I could smell the aroma of beef, garlic, and herbs and spices drifting up from it into my nose. Unfortunately, any food has a tendency to get cold. My mouth watered in anticipation to eat it.

Now, I took the silver spoon and dipped it into the bowl of potato. It smoothly penetrated the firm fluffy white mound. I lifted the spoon and turned it over on my plate depositing a mound of potato. I repeated this 3 times. Then using another spoon, I scooped up spinach dripping white sauce and put it on the plate beside the potato. The dark green spinach was hot, the white sauce melted 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 ine in it. The spinach was a good foil. Smooth with its vegetable texture and plain white sauce it softened the taste of the gravy. Then I used my fork and removed the succulent meat from the bone. Its soft texture, fatty feeling in the mouth, the spice wine and garlic in the gravy made it perfect.


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以上为《Oxtail stew ADV》的无排版文字预览,完整内容请下载

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