1. feel sorry for 为...感到遗憾
2. except the time 只有当...的时候
3. spread over 布满
4. be troubled to 苦于
5. with no edges nor corner 没有棱角
6. take a fancy to 看得上
7. as….put it ….说
8. in silence 静静地
9. enjoy no shading from 没有...的庇护
10. stretch all over 上下
11. the only thing that had interested us 唯一感到欣慰的是
12. when it comes to 谈到了…./日子到了....的时候
13. look up at the sky 翘望天边
14. give sb a scolding 骂某人
15. sure enough 果然
16. Beam toward 微笑
17. pretty soon 过了不久
18. give out its heart and light 发光发热
19. I never expect it 真没想到
20. its beauty from ugliness 以丑为美
21. be ridiculed by people with petty common views 被世俗嘲笑
22. no wonder 难怪
23. the street was lined with 两旁有….
24. illuminated windows beaming quietly towards the dark blue sky 灯窗明灿的别墅向暗蓝的天空静静地微笑
25. gust of wind 一阵风
26. cling to the branches 留在枝头 from time to time 不时
27. the whole family sit around it 围坐
28. struck up 堵住
29. be intrigued by /factuated/fascinated 迷住
30. rumble up/the car came rumbling up 汽车隆隆作响
31. relate to sb 向…倾诉 /get to know each other 沟通心灵
32. stay overnight 过夜
33. there’s no hint of any thing like... 丝毫没有...的意思
34. leave a deep impress on my memory circle 留在记忆中
35. be a member of the literary 是文化界的
36. manage through various personal connections 找关系 动用关系
37. cut in 不等...说完/打断
38. pocket silently all it had experienced 默默忍受这一切
39. be struck by 深深感到.../被...怔住
40. there is a time of 有...的时候
41. die back /wither away 枯
42. slid away 溜走
43. soundless traceless 无声音 无踪
44. in between 在这中间(非实物)
45. make its presence 出现
46. tread on lightly and furtively 挪移
47. be caught blankly 茫然
48. flow away /wear off / pass away 流逝
49. bury my face in my hands and heave a sigh 掩面叹息
50. in this bustling world 在人来人往/人声鼎沸中
51. as smoke by a light wind 如轻烟般吹散
52. stark naked 赤裸裸 in a blink 转眼间
53. …..for nothing 白白地怎么样....
54. the street was deserted 寂寞的马路(马路作主语)/空无一人
55. a tree with entanglement of bare branches 疏枝交横
56. a few paces off 不远处
57. squat against 蹲着
58. turn out to be 却是/变成
59. severe criticism against me 义正言辞的文章骂我
60. extremes meet 相反相成 mutual help and benefit 相得益彰
61. can not be called ……说不上
62. flicker across 轻轻掠过 restive 不安分/急躁
63. increasingly 越来越..../一点点的变....
64. spring up 海浪跳跃 /leap
65. burst forth 喊出
66. fiery half circle of the setting sun 半轮火红的太阳
67. press heavily down upon 重压
68. my time to ….has come 我的....时间到了
69. hoist up bravely 威武地升起
70. the sea roils surge high 跳起来
71. no one knows where 不知道什么地方
72. night’s black curtain will be heavily lowered 夜幕降临
73. the greatest red-letter day of all the year 一年的大盼头
74. days spent in expectation come and go really fast 在盼中,日子过得飞快
75. very soon 转眼间(用在开头)
76. ever greater desire for more varied things 盼的欲望更加强烈 ,盼的内容更加丰富
77. a busy bread-winner with a family on my hands 养家糊口的大忙人
78. before I was aware of it 不知不觉(用在句末)
79. show various facets 变得复杂起来
80. gratifying result 满意的结果
81. expectation serve as a prop to a person’s faith in life 人在盼中找到了依托
82. brighten one’s life and keep it out of shadows 生活不至于暗淡
83. cherish hope 有盼头
84. a fantasy or an illusion 望梅止渴,画饼充饥
85. urge you on in pursuit of that little sparkle without letup 激励你不停手中的浆 去追逐哪怕微笑的光亮
86. be deprived of 失去
87. human beings cannot do without something to look forward to 人是决不能没有盼头的。(cannot do without ….不能没有什么)
88. snaking the overlaying snowflakes down on to the 扬起无数雪沫 洒在....
89. nothing is perfect ,not even in fairyland 正如童话世界一样也有缺陷一样
90. be stained with 污点
91. subtle implications 微妙内涵
92. be sent back to 复原职位
93. wormwood grew abundantly among scattered reefs 蒿草丛生 芦荻疏落
94. an autumn stream ruffled by the west wind ,and the lines of wild geese set against the back ground of distant mountains embracing the sinking sun, harmoniously merged to enhance the joy of the hunters 西风,秋水,雁阵,衔着落日的远山,交融在一起,更增添打猎者的无限兴致。
95. out fluttered in to the air... 窜出...在空中扑腾乱飞(句首 倒装)
96. do deserve to 真不愧为
97. a wisp of smoke dispersed to reveal a duck falling from the sky like a stringless kite 一缕青烟消散,一只鸭子像断了线的风筝从半空中坠下(消散过后的景色用reveal)
98. cut in probingly 试探性地问
99. a tiny opening will let in a gust of wind 针尖大的洞也会刮进斗大的风 a misty lake where the water join the sky
100. with an air of mystery 故作神秘
101. knit one’s brows 拧着眉毛
102. be taken back 徒然一惊
103. glare coldly at sb 死死盯住
104. with a feigned look of dejection 故作...状
105. answer with great readiness 欣然应答 应对捷便
106. trimmer its plumage 抖羽毛
107. chatter away with sb 喋喋不休 in another moment 倾之
108. out of sight /nowhere to be found 看不见找不着
109. household necessity for dressing 整容的家具
110. prevail among the populace 在民间流行
111. commonly seen 常见
112. eternal love长相思 wealth forever 常某某 everlasting happiness 乐未央
113. deal with common well-wishings 关于通俗的吉某某 ( deal with 关于)
114. give way to 代替(不要用instead !!)
115. bear pattern 印有花纹
116. so it was said (据说 用在句末)
117. always expect to find 往往会发现
118. dark green grass through which stretched a straight white stone path 芳草中铺着洁白的笔直的石某某 (through which)
119. what I believe to be 分明是
120. trimmed with 镶着边
121. by a flight of imagination bring to their presence 怀想到,想象留恋
122. spurt out water drops glistening in the sunlight 在阳光的照射下,喷射着亮晶晶的水珠儿
123. be tempered by resistance 经过阻力摩擦
124. bursting with 心头大恨
125. what was most memorable 最让我纪念的 /印象深刻的
126. be by nature an honest man 性情本有些狷介(by nature 性情)
127. try to make his name known to the public 出名
128. no doubt 还用说(句首)
129. lodge a false accusation
130. be labeled 被划进...行列
131. look me up and down 打量
132. with all my heart I wish 真心祝愿
133. a wave of warmth surge over me and my nose twitched 心里一阵热,鼻子也酸气来
134. take the opportunity when 趁...的时候
135. its lush green forests,filled with fragrant flowers ,bubbling streams,and songbirds,are rich in historical interest as well as natural beauty 树木苍翠,花香袭人,鸟声婉转,流水潺潺
136. legend has it that ... 相传在古代...
137. the rarest rarity 最珍贵的特产
138. scarcely noticeable to the human eye 谁也不去注意他,谁也不会注意他一眼
139. can’t help ending up in capture 逃脱不了被捕捉的命运(can not help )
140. not only because but more because of 不仅因为,更因为
141. it is misled to believe...on the contrary... (以为... 殊不知)
142. slip by under one’s nose 瞒得过
143. walk back and forth 走来走去 come in and out 进进出出
144. amid the hustle and bustle of everyday 在喧嚣中
145. fight tooth and nail 血肉横飞
146. scowl at 怒容/皱眉
147. throw a glance of gratitude 投过感激的一瞥
148. tongue-tied 语无伦次
149. have the slightest respect for 看不起
150. make up a high-sounding story 唱赞歌
151. be cottoning on 产生好感/明白懂得
152. reading punctuated by fits of laughter 一边笑一边读 (打断)
153. rocking the classroom with laughter 爆笑起来
154. follow this logic 根据这种思维
155. articles that are just as well-worded ,quick-witted, artfully-conceived and set you rolling with laughter 聪明,机智,令人捧腹的文章
156. go about 打算
157. I’m not much of a celebrity though 算不上名人
158. be lined up with 与...同比
159. be kind of irritated 不免反感 /不免激怒
160. make it more specific 说些具体/使具体
161. make it understandable to all 通俗
162. I haven’t got too much to offer 无可奉告
163. the masses appreciation 群众喜闻乐见
164. one moment it ….the next it 一会儿,一会儿
165. with its tails waving up and down 尾巴一翘一翘
166. proud and self-satiated manner 得意的神态
167. cast a glance at sb (望了望我,瞥了一瞥)
168. it was no more than 只不过是....
169. give off the refreshing smell of 散发幽香
170. what was on my mind 我的想法/心思
171. at a leisurely pace 从容的
172. as for us over her ,there is not much we can do but 我们在这边什么也不能做...只能...
173. lines of wild geese flying back 雁阵北归
174. watching the rustling fall of autumn leaves through the window 看着窗外的树叶唰唰拉拉得飘落
175. her sad eyes in her haggard face silently implored me 她憔悴的脸上露出央求的神色
176. broke off abruptly 突然不说话
177. departure to eternity 永远的诀别
178. dancing in the autumn breeze(花)在秋风中开得烂漫
179. rush up to sb 扑向某人
180. however hard she tried ,she couldn’t turn the tide 纵使她有回天之力,一时也难以补偿
181. eager for a 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 54. dance up and down 乱跳
255. Out of mind 神经出了问题 不正常
266. either complimentary or critical 褒贬皆可
267. finish at one go 一挥而就
268. not a single world was true 胡编乱造
269. was not unaware of 明知(强调)
270. eyes flashing with a glint of humour眼睛一亮
271. brows shooting uward 眉毛一挑
272. work up a very funny expression 做鬼脸
273. do u think anyone else could’ve made it more humorous 还要多幽默
274. bear...in mind 记在心里
275. In no time 不一会儿
276. draw his breath sharply 倒抽一口气
277. from time to time 不时