以下为《5 毕业论文(样本)》的无排版文字预览,完整内容请下载
论 文 题 目 民营企业成长的实质和原因分析-以春秋航空为例
专 业 工商管理
班 级 19B1
学 号 gj19b1006
学 生 张某某
指导教师 李某某
日 期
Abstract: At present, the development scale of private enterprises in China is expanding day by day, the proportion of private economy is gradually increasing, and the profitability of private enterprises is obviously stronger than that of state-owned enterprises. This paper studies the development strategy of Spring Airlines, and through the historical development and current situation of Spring Airlines, it leads to the status of low-cost airlines in the current market. Through the SWOT analysis of Spring Airlines, this paper analyzes the development direction and opportunities of Spring Airlines. Through the analysis of the essence of the growth of spring and Autumn Airlines, this paper provides some suggestions on the growth of other similar private enterprises.
Key words: private enterprise; Spring Airlines; development strategy; growth essen 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 管理中的地位研究[J].商业时代,2011(9)
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