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1 外国人在XX就业证件申报材料

以下为《1 外国人在XX就业证件申报材料》的无排版文字预览,完整内容请下载

目 录







(五)申办《外国人就业许可证书》《外国人就业证》两证合办 5













Documents Needed For Foreigners Work Registration In Suzhou



b. 营业执照副本,组织机构代码证,外商投资企业还需提供批准证书(复印件);

c. 单位申请书;

d. 单位聘用意向书(说明拟聘岗位和拟聘期限);若其劳动合同与境外法人签订,劳动报酬来源于境外,在中国境内一年累计工作三个月以上的,需派遣方某某《派遣函》,明确工作地点、时间、岗位和报酬支付方式;劳动合同或派遣函是外文的,需同时提供中文翻译件,并由用人单位盖章(原件及复印件);

e. 拟聘外国人个人简历(含最终学历和完整工作经历);

f. 拟聘外国人任职资格证明(学历证明、技能资格证明、由该外国人原工作单位出具从事与受聘岗位相关的工作资历证明)(原件及翻译件);

g. 拟聘外国人健康状况证明(原件及复印件);

h. 拟聘外国人无犯罪记录证明(由所在国警察局、司法部、使领馆出具)(原件及翻译件);

i. 拟聘外国人有效护照(复印件);

j. 其他补充材料。

(一) Apply for “Alien Employment License”

1. “Application Form for Foreigners Employment in Suzhou”;

2. Business License, Organization Code Certificate, Company Certificate of Approval (Foreign Capital Company only) (copy);

3. Company Application Letter;

4. Employer’s Offer (title and term included); Dispatch Letter (location, period, job title and remuneration payment included) required if being dispatched by foreign company out sea more than three months; the Employment contract or dispatch letter should be written in both native language and Chinese with stamp or signature (original and copy);

5. Resume with education background (highest degree) and detailed work experience;

6. Qualification Certificates (Educational Degrees, Certificates of Professional Skills and Confirmations of Relevant Working Experience) (original and Chinese);

7. Health Certificate (original and copy);

8. Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (issued by the Local Police Station, the Ministry of Justice, Embassy or Consulate) (original and Chinese);

9. Valid Passport (copy);

10. Supplementary materials.



b. 常驻代表机构登记证,组织机构代码证(复印件);

c. 单位申请书;

d. 个人有效代表证(原件及复印件);

e. 个人简历(含最终学历和完整工作经历);

f. 拟聘外国人任职资格证明(学历证明,技能资格证明或工作资历证明)(原件及翻译件);

g. 拟聘外国人健康状况证明(原件及复印件);

h. 拟聘外国人无犯罪记录证明(由所在国警察局、司法部、使领馆出具)(原件及翻译件);

i. 拟聘外国人有效护照(复印件);

j. 其他补充材料。

(二) Representatives of Resident Representative Office in Suzhou apply for “Alien Employment License”

1. “Application Form for Foreigners Employment in Suzhou”;

2. Registration Certificate of Resident Representative Office, Organization Code Certificate (copy);

3. Company Application Letter;

4. Valid Certificate of Representative (original and copy);

5. Resume with education background (highest degree) and detailed work experience;

6. Qualification Certificates (Educational Degrees, Certificates of Professional Skills and Confirmations of Relevant Working Experience) (original and Chinese);

7. Health Certificate (original and copy);

8. Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (issued by the Local Police Station, the Ministry of Justice, Embassy or Consulate) (original and Chinese);

9. Valid Passport (copy);

10. Supplementary materials.




c. 用人单位与被聘人员签订的《劳动合同》;若其《劳动合同》与境外法人签订,劳动报酬来源于境外,在中国境内一年累计工作三个月以上的,需派遣方某某《派遣函》,明确工作地点、时间、岗位和报酬支付方式;《劳动合同》或《派遣函》是外文的,需同时提供中文翻译件,并由用人单位盖章(原件及复印件);

d. 本人有效护照及职业(“Z”)签证、最后一次入境时间记录(原件及复印件);

e. 出入境检验检疫局出具或确认的健康证明(原件及复印件);

f. 临时住宿登记表(原件及复印件);

g. 照片二张(一张贴在登记表上,一张用于制作就业证);

h. 若为总经理及以上职务的,提供工商部门备案证明 (外商投资企业) ;


(三)Apply for “Alien Employment Permit”

1. “Registration Form for Foreigners Employment in Suzhou”;

2. “Alien Employment License” (original and copy);

3. Employment Contract; Dispatch Letter (location, period, job title and remuneration payment included) required if being dispatched by foreign company out sea more than three months; the Employment contract or dispatch letter should be written in both native language and Chinese with stamp or signature (original and copy);

4. Valid Passport, “Z” visa and Latest Entry (original and copy);

5. Health Certificate (issued or recognized by Suzhou Exit & Entry Inspection & Quarantine Bureau) (original and copy);

6. Accommodation Registration Form (original and copy);

7. Two photos (one for the Registration Form, the other for the “Alien Employment Permit”);

8. Record?Certificate?issued?by Industrial?and?Commercial?Department?if?the?position?is?

General?Manager?or?above (Foreign Capital Company only);

9. Supplementary materials.




c. 境外企业常驻代表机构的登记证(复印件)及本人有效代表证(原件及复印件);

d. 本人有效护照及职业(“Z”)签证、最后一次入境时间记录(原件及复印件);

e. 出入境检验检疫局出具或确认的健康证明(原件及复印件);

f. 临时住宿登记表(原件及复印件);

g. 照片二张(一张贴在登记表上,一张用于制作就业证);

h. 其他补充材料。

(四) Representatives of Resident Representative Office in Suzhou apply for “Alien Employment Permit”

1. “Application Form for Foreigners Employment in Suzhou”;

2. “Alien Employment License” (original and copy);

3. Registration Certificate of Resident Representative Office, Valid Certificate of Representative (original and copy);

4. Valid Passport, “Z” visa and Latest Entry (original and copy);

5. Health Certificate (issued or recognized by Suzhou Exit & Entry Inspection & Quarantine Bureau) (original and copy);

6. Accommodation Registration Form (original and copy);

7. Two photos (one for the Registration Form, the other for the “Alien Employment Permit”);

8. Supplementary materials.




c. 单位申请书;

d. 营业执照副本,组织机构代码证,外商投资企业还需提供批准证书(复印件);

e. 个人简历(含最终学历和完整工作经历);

f. 任职资格证明(学历证明、技能资格证明、由该外国人原工作单位出具从事与受聘岗位相关的工作资历证明)(原件及翻译件);

g. 无犯罪记录证明(由所在国警察局、司法部、使领馆出具)(原件及翻译件);

h. 用人单位与被聘人员签订的《劳动合同》;若其《劳动合同》与境外法人签订,劳动报酬来源于境外,在中国境内一年累计工作三个月以上的,需派遣方某某《派遣函》,明确工作地点、时间、岗位和报酬支付方式;《劳动合同》或《派遣函》是外文的,需同时提供中文翻译件,并由用人单位盖章(原件及复印件);

i. 本人有效护照及签证、最后一次入境时间记录(原件及复印件);

j. 出入境检验检疫局出具或确认的健康证明(原件及复印件);

k. 临时住宿登记表(原件及复印件);


m. 若为总经理及以上职务的,提供工商部门备案证明 (外商投资企业) ;

n. 其他补充材料。

(五)Apply for “Alien Employment License” and “Alien Employment Permit” together

1. “Application Form for Foreigners Employment in Suzhou”;

2. “Registration Form for Foreigners Employment in Suzhou”;

3. Company Application Letter;

4. Business License, Organization Code Certificate, Company Certificate of Approval (Foreign Capital Company only) (copy);

5. Resume with education background (highest degree) and detailed work experience;

6. Qualification Certificates (Educational Degrees, Certificates of Professional Skills and Confirmations of Relevant Working Experience) (original and Chinese);

7. Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (issued by the Local Police Station, the Ministry of Justice, Embassy or Consulate) (original and Chinese);

8. Employment Contract; Dispatch Letter (location, period, job title and remuneration payment included) required if being dispatched by foreign company out sea more than three months; the Employment contract or dispatch letter should be written in both native language and Chinese with stamp or signature (original and copy);

9. Valid Passport, “F”/“L”/“M” visa and Latest Entry (original and copy);

10. Health Certificate (issued or recognized by Suzhou Exit & Entry Inspection & Quarantine Bureau) (original and copy);

11. Accommodation Registration Form (original and copy);

12. Two photos (one for the Registration Form, the other for the “Alien Employment Permit”);

13. Record?Certificate?issued?by Industrial?and?Commercial?Department?if?the?position?is?

General?Manager?or?above (Foreign Capital Company only);

14. Supplementary materials.



b. 单位申请书;

c. 营业执照副本,组织机构代码证,外商投资企业还需提供批准证书(复印件);若是XX常驻代表机构,提供代表机构登记证(复印件)及本人有效代表证(原件及复印件);

d. 用人单位与被聘人员签订的《劳动合同》;若其《劳动合同》与境外法人签订,劳动报酬来源于境外,在中国境内一年累计工作三个月以上的,需派遣方某某《派遣函》,明确工作地点、时间、岗位和报酬支付方式;《劳动合同》或《派遣函》是外文的,需同时提供中文翻译件,并由用人单位盖章(原件及复印件);

e. 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 外国人就业证》原件;

c. 本人有效护照(原件)


(十五) Annual Check of “Alien Employment Permit”

1. “Annual Check Application Form for Foreigners and Residents in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao”;

2. “Alien Employment Permit” (original);

3. Valid Passport (original);

4. Business License; Registration Certificate of Resident Representative Office (copy) and Valid Certificate of Representative (original and copy) for Representatives of Resident Representative Office.


  1. 外国人入境体检承诺书

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